The Patriot Post® · Bill Clinton 'Feels the Pain' of Obama's Dismal Record

By Political Editors ·

Speaking on the campaign stump in Spokane Monday, Bill Clinton perhaps unwittingly joined a handful of other Democrats lambasting “the awful legacy of the last eight years.” Although Clinton’s staffers quickly spun the comments as being intended for Republicans, the former president effectively criticized an administration in which his wife played a critical role. “If you believe we can rise together,” Bill Clinton said, “if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that where we were practicing trickle-down economics, then you should vote for her.”

Clinton joined such voices as Joe Biden, who lamented last year, “The middle class is being killed. The middle class has been slammed.” And by the way, just who was dictating economic policy for the last few years? During this election cycle, both Democrat candidates have been running on platforms speaking to economic discontent. All the while, Obama keeps insisting the economy has never been better.

As Obama’s former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton helped forge his failed foreign policy legacy, too. And as the “moderate” candidate in the Democrat primary, she has promised to protect such Obama-esque edifices as the “Affordable” Care Act. But never fear — according to Bill Clinton, “She always finds a way to make something good happen, to make people feel empowered, to buy people into the process.” Maybe he means “buy people into the process” via the Clinton Foundation and its pay-to-play access to the Clinton machine. Either way, Bill wasn’t exactly making the best case for his wife to occupy the Oval Office.