The Patriot Post® · Girls and Guns
Cosmopolitan magazine would like us to believe that women have the moral high ground when they second guess their boyfriends owning firearms. It helps that they didn’t choose the most articulate men in this little mock “interview” session, but the women merely trot out a few reasons to be scared of guns without any supporting evidence. As National Review’s Ericka Andersen summarizes1, “Within seconds, the viewer is aware that Cosmopolitan believes women think guns are scary ‘death machines,’ men that own guns are probably domestic abusers, and the Second Amendment is worthy of nothing more than an eye roll.”
Of course, never mind that women are increasingly becoming gun owners and are responsible for much of the huge rise in concealed carry permits nationwide. Guns are the great equalizer, after all.
Perhaps these Cosmo girls would feel better after a lesson from champion shooter Jessie Duff:
Or maybe they’d enjoy themselves learning yoga with a gun, as taught by Kirsten Joy Weiss:
Either way, women and firearms do mix. Education and training are the key for any individual who’s willing to exercise his or her Second Amendment rights.