The Patriot Post® · Obama's Regulatory Decrees to Get Worse

By Business Review Board ·

The Obama administration’s recent rules on corporate inversions and fiduciary duties are just the beginning of the final salvo from the regulatory commissars. The Obama administration has plenty of other of major rules waiting in the wings. It plans to announce rule after rule in the coming weeks in Obama’s last attempt to “fundamentally transform America” via regulatory deluge. The Wall Street Journal reports the rules range from requiring notices on cartons of flavored milk warning consumers that sugar was added to the drink to new rules regarding overtime for white-collar workers. For Obama, the fun and games end in the middle of May, because his administration must allow Congress 60 days that it’s in session to review and possibly vote down any rule put forth.

The middle of May will mark the end of a record-breaking regulatory era — if Obama abides by that rule — because the Obama administration has issued the most regulations of any administration in history. While the Bush administration issued 358 major regulations and the Clinton administration issued 361, the Obama administration issued 392 so far — and it is currently working on 50 more. It’s a regulatory era that stunted economic growth, drove industry overseas and generally perpetuated one of the most sluggish recoveries in American history. Should a Republican gain the presidency in November, his administration should immediately work to diminish the nation’s regulatory burden to spur economic growth and move on from the Obama era.