The Patriot Post® · Feds Push 'Racist Cop' Narrative Again
For months, Barack Obama and his fellow demo-gogues have railed against “racist cops1” and they found an apparent easy target with which to make a show: Michael Slager, the police officer who shot and killed Walter Scott in South Carolina. Last year, Slager was charged with murder2 after a video showing the North Charleston officer discharging his firearm eight times into a fleeing Scott and then dropping his Taser next to the man, apparently to plant evidence that there was a struggle.
As Hot Air’s Jazz Shaw wrote3: “There was little to no evidence to support his story aside from the possibility of some of Scott’s DNA being on the taser from their initial scuffle and the video of the actual shooting showed something which was essentially indefensible. … I still doubt any jury would let him go at this point.”
The state of South Carolina is currently handling that case and, if convicted, the former police officer could face life in prison. However, seeing the seemingly airtight case was an opportunity for the Obama administration. This week, it filed civil rights charges against Slager — possibly to make a show of prosecuting one of those “racist cops.” In other words, instead of letting the state mete out justice, the Obama administration is acting extra judiciously.
“It seems very extreme, and the timing is very interesting,” Slager’s attorneys said4 in a statement. “It really feels as if officer Slager is carrying the burden of many past cases that were handled differently.” Interesting indeed.