The Patriot Post® · Cracks Form in Germany's Open Door Policy

By Thomas Gallatin ·

Recently, news leaked that the number of sexual assaults throughout Germany this past New Year’s Eve was much larger than originally reported1. Sources indicated that more than 1,200 women were assaulted by as many as 2,000 men. Thus far there have been only 120 suspects identified, and of those only four have been convicted.

German government officials, sensitive to negative publicity, have sought to deny the ill effects of their open door migration policy. In some instances, officials seemed content to blame the victims of crimes for not keeping “an arm’s length” from strangers.

What has resulted from this attitude and lack of real empathy and action on the part of the German government? A rise in the growth of nationalist movements. Groups such as the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA), formed in 2014, have begun to hold rallies and demonstrations — some becoming violent.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open door policy is now being blamed for bringing “chaos” to Europe. There is reason to believe that it fueled Britain’s recent vote to exit the European Union. Lack of sober consideration of the will of one’s own people and unrealistic estimation of the impact this open door policy would have upon Germany — and other surrounding European nations for that matter — has begun to bear its ugly fruit. A failing policy that has already had devastating consequences.
