The Patriot Post® · Now That Trump Is the Nominee...

By Thomas Gallatin ·

“It’s my honor to throw Donald Trump over the top tonight with 89 delegates,” said Donald Trump Jr., speaking for the state of New York’s 89 delegates that officially granted the nomination to his father Donald Trump. The primary contest has been unofficially over for months now since Trump’s final two rivals, Ted Cruz and John Kasich, dropped out of the race in April. Though unconventional and uncouth, we’ve written extensively that Trump was able to energize support with his simple populist message of “making America great again.” That appealed to many who have become wearied by the unfulfilled promises (both real and perceived) of the establishment1.

There are still conservatives who are not on board the Trump Train. While there are certainly legitimate concerns that we have highlighted, his choosing of Mike Pence as a running mate2 should be an encouraging sign. At least it’s a good start, sending the message that Trump can work with other Republicans.

Given the fact that either Trump or Hillary Clinton3 will be elected president in November, the focus now must turn to defeating the very real threat of another Clinton presidency. Conservatives know that Hillary Clinton would continue the current leftist policies that are actively destroying the very foundations of this great nation. The prospects are truly frightening of where the country will be with four more years of socialist leadership. However, if Republicans continue to stubbornly bicker and maintain their fractured boundaries, refusing to unite together to face the greater foe, then we face four more years of continuing down this dangerous road of increasing government overreach and loss of Liberty.
