The Patriot Post® · ObamaCare Support Still on Life Support

By Jordan Candler ·

ObamaCare was marketed by Democrats as a feasible solution to insure every American in a cost-effective manner. The reality is far more sinister. Whether it’s skyrocketing premiums, meager enrollment, faltering co-ops or mega insurer mergers, the fact is ObamaCare is an albatross around Democrats’ necks. It’s not hyperbole to speculate that it may even cost them a chance to take back the Senate. The numbers are not only nowhere near the Left’s prediction, but the budgetary free fall will eventually result in ObamaCare’s systematic collapse. The question isn’t if, but when.

A new Gallup survey lends more credence to just how persistently bad is the magnitude of Obama’s failed signature achievement. Via The Washington Free Beacon: “Fifty-one percent of the poll respondents said they have a negative view of the Affordable Care Act, while 44 percent of Americans support the health care law. Only 18 percent of those surveyed said that Obamacare has helped them, the Hill noted.” Meanwhile, it’s worth noting that approval has never been above 48% since at least late 2013. Opposition has remained more or less above 50% since the law’s inception. As much as Democrats talk about majorities, they sure turn a deaf ear to this one.

Many Americans who rallied around the law in 2010 are now asking themselves: If insuring every American at a reasonable cost was the goal, what was the point of passing ObamaCare? Ironically, that’s the question they should have been asking and studying before it passed. The adjacent question is: Will they fall for the Left’s rhetoric again when the public option eventually comes up for a vote, as it inevitably will?