The Patriot Post® · A Tale of Two Health Reports

By Thomas Gallatin ·

Yesterday both presidential candidates released reports on their medical health. Hillary Clinton released a letter from her doctor, Lisa Bardack MD, which listed some recent health checks including, interestingly, a brain scan and some of her current prescribed medications. Bardack concluded that Clinton was “in excellent mental condition” and “healthy and fit to serve as President.”

Hours before Hillary’s doctor’s note was made public, Donald Trump went on the Dr. Oz show, where he gave Oz the medical record from a recent physical he’d received. Dr. Oz look over the record and stated, “I looked at them and tried to process it pretty quickly and I got to say as a doctor, if he was my patient, they are good for a man of his age.”

With recent polls now showing Trump leading in some key battle ground states, the Leftmedia can’t make Hillary’s health controversy go away fast enough. NBC News reported that Clinton had released her “medical records” — a letter from her doctor — while Trump had merely “offered some new information about his own well-being.” The report gave a subtle dig at Trump for not releasing medical records to reporters and NBC highlighted the fact that, at 70, he would be the oldest person ever to be elected president (Ronald Reagan was 73 when re-elected in 1984). But it should be noted that Trump is not the candidate who suffered recent medical episodes.

The Washington Post also chose to focus on Trump by slamming him with the headline, “Despite gestures, Trump is still the least transparent U.S. presidential candidate in modern history.” Are they kidding? Other than posting a copy of Hillary’s doctor’s note, there was no more reporting on her health. It was as if to say, “Okay, got the doctor’s note. The controversy is over. Move along folks; nothing more to see here. Now look at how much Trump is hiding!” Clearly the Leftmedia is giving Hillary a pass on her recent medical episodes hoping that there are no more such incidents. The health of a potential president is a legitimate concern and something to be considered when voting. Instead of informing, the Leftmedia is circling the wagons.