The Patriot Post® · Unprecedented Vulgarity or Unprecedented Tyranny?

By Arnold Ahlert ·

“And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.” —Donald Trump, 2005

“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.” —Hillary Clinton in a speech to Goldman Sachs in 2013

Those are your choices, America. Either a trash-talking boor with adolescent impulses, or a globalist with utter contempt for national sovereignty. One will be occupying the Oval Office next January. And the fundamental question one has to ask is which one of the above quotes is more likely to negatively impact the country’s future: the low-class bragging of a blowhard, or the cold calculation of a congenital liar who condoned her reflexive contempt for the truth by further asserting that politicians must balance “both a public and a private position” while making deals?

The collective vapors exhibited by Democrats and their Republican collaborators regarding what Trump said is breathtakingly hypocritical. Democrats are the same people who defended Bill Clinton, at best a serial adulterer, and at a worst a rapist. They also defended Hillary when she conducted a concerted and vicious smear campaign against Bill’s accusers, even as they simultaneously asserted Republicans were conducting a war on women.

Republicans are just as bad. They are led by Paul Ryan who, despite a “principled” decision to dump support for Trump and “save” the GOP, managed to keep $25,000 in campaign contributions from former House Speaker Dennis Hastert. The same Dennis Hastert labeled a “serial child molester” by federal Judge Thomas Durkin when Durkin sentenced Hastert to 15 months in prison for a bank fraud case related to allegations he sexually abused teenage boys.

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee argues what really drives Ryan and other like-minded Republicans. “A lot of these bed-wetting, hand wringing Republicans — they’re not afraid Donald Trump is going to lose,” he said. “They’re scared to death he’s going to win. And if he wins he is going to mess up the neat little package of fun they have because they all play to the donor class and Donald Trump is coming to make big changes in the way that these institutions go.”

The foremost piece of that neat little package of fun? Globalist-controlled open trade and open borders. Not the fair open trade that puts nations and business entities on equal footing with their foreign counterparts, but the same crony capitalist nonsense that has devastated the American heartland while the well-connected — like those who paid Hillary Clinton $250,000 for a 20 minute speech — prosper more than ever.

Open borders? A Department of Homeland Security study reveals the government “overestimated” its success rate in stopping illegals. DHS claimed they had an 81% success rate. The Associated Press estimates 54% of the approximately 315,000 who surged across the border in 2015 alone succeeded. Moreover, the Obama administration has reneged on its promise that those who surged across the nation’s Southwestern border in 2014 would be pushed through the immigration courts to defer further border-busting. Instead, more than 56,000 illegals will be legally entitled to stay for an number of additional years. Thus it is unsurprising a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals the number of legal and illegal immigrants living in the United States in 2014 is the highest total in U.S. history. CIS got their data from the U.S. Census Bureau — the same Bureau that revealed American incomes were once again declining in 2016.

But Republicans will put a stop to it, right? Paul Ryan’s first major legislative achievement as House speaker was to pass a $1.1 trillion, 2,000 page budget resolution that fully funded Obama’s failed attempt to issue amnesty via executive order, America’s sanctuary cities, Muslim “refugee” resettlement, and the attempted quadrupling of H-2B visas for unskilled foreign workers.

One is left to wonder how much more “fun” Americans can stand — from the de facto Establishment Party.

And then there is the media. Detailing their corruption and hypocrisy would take volumes, but a 2015 Washington Post column epitomizes both:

“[Ted] Kennedy has been gone for more than five years,” it stated. “While the names of his brothers adorn large Washington edifices, his name has not yet received that kind of historical treatment. So we believe Congress has a choice for the big beauty at the corner of Constitution and Delaware. … The choice is clear: It’s time to christen the Edward Moore Kennedy Senate Office Building.”

On Sept. 25, the Washington Post editorial board insisted it was “beyond debate” that Trump is unfit to be president. Yet they would honor the man who left Mary Jo Kopechne to drown in a car he drove off the Chappaquiddick Island bridge.

Such hypocrisy is the centerpiece of a Democrat political strategy in play for as long as most Americans can remember. That’s because if leftists talk about the issues, they lose. If they successfully smear their opponents — with ample help from their reliably corrupt media cheerleading squad — they win.

The expression “boob bait for the masses” is the Holy Grail of Democrat politicking. And the only thing more pathetic than them employing it are the hordes of gutless Republicans who allow themselves to be intimidated by it — time and time again.

Despite loss after presidential loss, it has never occurred to any of them that the best defense is a good offense. One that repeatedly points out the wholesale corruption surrounding Hillary’s blatant compromise of national security and the efforts of an equally corrupt FBI and DOJ to cover it up. One that points out the flood of WikiLeaks emails revealing the abhorrent nature of Hillary’s character, the media’s willingness to coordinate with her, and her supporters’ contempt for an “unaware and compliant citizenry” and “backward” Catholics.

On Election Day, Americans must decide if they can stand four or eight more years of a legal system with separate sets of rules — one for ordinary Americans and one for the well-connected — a “borderless” nation replete with sanctuary cities and under-vetted Muslim “refugees,” and a progressive economy that has showered the rich with untold wealth while growth has never achieved 3% for the first time since the Hoover administration — in 1930.

But if foul language must be part of the equation, it is useful to remember the assertions about Hillary’s penchant for abusing Secret Service agents tasked with protecting her, allegedly telling at least one to “f—k off.”

Trump is an egotistical ass. Clinton is an unindicted criminal whose foundation has refiled taxes again because it had failed to disclose all of its donors in accordance with state law. And while a biased NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was ordering the Trump Foundation to stop fundraising in the state for failing to complete required government paperwork, he gave the Clinton Foundation a pass for the same violation.

If Clinton is elected, expect the same double-standard for four to eight years with one critical difference: it will be exponentially worse. And the media, who will have had their despicable level of corruption endorsed by the electorate, will completely abandon what little integrity they still possess.

Thus, in perhaps the most problematic choice for president in the history, it comes down to this: Do Americans want unprecedented vulgarity, or unprecedented tyranny?