The Patriot Post® · Obama's Brother Is Cursed

By Political Editors ·

A pox be upon you! Malik Obama, Barack Obama’s Kenyan half-brother, has been cursed by his relatives for his public support of Donald Trump. The village of Kogelo, Kenya, the ancestral home of Barack Obama Sr., father of Malik and Barack, has taken great pride in the fact that Obama is the first black to hold the office of president of the United States. Thus many in the town have taken personal offense over Malik’s choice of Trump over Hillary Clinton. As Nicholas Rajula, an Obama family spokesman, said, “Since he [Malik] is a disgrace to this family, we have distanced ourselves from Malik’s relationship with Trump, whose utterances and threats against Muslims and Africans living in the U.S. have shocked the world.” Sounds just like the persecution conservative black Americans face.

Some have suggested that Malik’s favoring of Trump is more out of jealous spite over his brother’s fame rather than out of any genuine admiration of Trump. Malik, however, contends, “It’s my democratic right to choose the president I want. I can’t support Obama because he has done nothing for Africa, Kenya and his own family in Kenya. I will vote for Mr. Trump because he is honest.”

It may be advisable for Malik to stay in the U.S. after the election for his own safety. As a local taxi driver said, “We no longer need him [Malik] in this village. When he comes back from the U.S., we might be forced to attack him. He should live with Trump after the elections because he has been supporting him.” We’re also guessing Malik probably can’t count on being invited to the White House for Thanksgiving dinner this year.