The Patriot Post® · Thursday Short Cuts

By Publius ·

Upright: “Just because ‘our guy’ won, Economics 101 hasn’t been repealed. Donald Trump is still a populist, not a fiscal conservative or a states’ rights federalist. … The best of Trump is quite good — corporate tax cuts, moratorium on EPA regulations, securing the borders — but these can be offset, if not undone, by the bad. It’s not enough to win. Trump must succeed. Populism is good politics, but bad economics.” —Larry Elder

Alpha Jackass: “A man who lost the election by two million votes or more is now the president-elect. His election sparked a wave of hate crimes across America. This is a simple statement of fact.” —Harry Reid (It’s also a simple statement of fact that many of those “hate crimes” are against Trump supporters.)

Blind rhetoric: “I know over the past week a lot of people have asked themselves whether America is the country we thought it was. The divisions laid bare by this election run deep, but please listen to me when I say this: America is worth it, our children are worth it. Believe in our country, fight for our values, and never, ever give up.” —Hillary Clinton, who did more to create those divisions than just about anyone

Hope ‘n Change: “[D]on’t mope. And don’t get complacent. The majority of the American people believe in a diverse, tolerant, optimistic, dynamic, inclusive vision. … I promise you that next year Michelle and I are going to be right there with you, and the clouds are going to start parting and the sun is going to come back out, and we’re going to be busy, involved in the amazing stuff that we’ve been doing all these years before.” —Barack Obama

Proud loser: “We have a constitutional obligation to do congressionally directed spending. I’ve never apologized to anybody. I go home and I boast about earmarks. And that’s what everyone should do.” —Harry Reid

And last… “The same media that didn’t ask BHO about his plans to be 'flexible’ with Putin is upset that Trump didn’t inform them of his dinner plans.” —Twitter satirist @weknowwhatsbest