The Patriot Post® · Trump Tweets and Boeing Blinks

By Thomas Gallatin ·

On Tuesday, Donald Trump tweeted “Boeing is building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future presidents, but costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. Cancel order!” And in what has become a rather predictable pattern, the mainstream media ran for the fainting couch. The Washington Post headline on Wednesday read, “Corporate America Unnerved By Trump.” This is humorous, since the Post has usually celebrated the unnerving of corporate America, especially during the past eight years. What’s becoming clear, though, is that the mainstream media is actually unnerved by Trump.

Trump doesn’t follow all the “rules” of conventional Beltway wisdom. He truly is the outsider, and many in the media are now figuring out that they’re no longer setting the rules.

By the way, Boeing has reached out to Trump to offer talking over the Air Force One order. This sounds more like a savvy businessman who knows how to get a good deal for the American taxpayer, rather than a rube who doesn’t know the rules of the game. Conservatives don’t always like those rules — and we should work to change them — but it should be clear by now that Trump is an effective operator.
