The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Top Headlines

By Publius ·

  • Anything to delegitimize Trump’s election! Now 40 electors demanding intelligence briefing on Russia hacks. (Hot Air1)

  • Stein spent nearly $1 million of recount funds on consultants, staff, administrative expenses. Sorry Hillary. (Washington Free Beacon2)

  • Trump has companies rethinking plans to move U.S. jobs abroad. (Bloomberg3)

  • New York City offering workers therapy to cope with Trump-induced stress. (New York Post4)

  • Despite an already extravagant vacation price tag5 on taxpayers’ dime, Obama looks forward to a “decent vacation.” (Washington Examiner6)

  • Settled bureaucracy: Energy Dept. refuses to name staffers who worked on climate. (The Hill7)

  • Congress moves to strengthen authority of inspector general. Time for accountability? (The Washington Times8)

  • Fed set to hike rates, policy outlook now hinges on Trump presidency. (Reuters9)

  • Gov. John Kasich vetoes Heartbeat Bill, signs 20-week abortion ban. (The Columbus Dispatch10)

  • Google releases small batch of national security letters to the public — a small win for transparency. (Reason11)

  • Policy: A how-to guide for rolling back Obama’s regulatory state. (National Review12)

  • Policy: The Middle East won’t miss Obama (Hudson Institute13)
