The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Top Headlines

By Publius ·

  • FBI’s Comey says Republican data also hacked by Russians. (The Wall Street Journal1)

  • Trump picks VA official David Shulkin as agency chief. (Townhall2)

  • Hillary used corporate cronies to finance State Dept. pavilion named after herself. (Dick Morris3)

  • Navy sailor invokes Hillary Clinton defense in bid for clemency over classified photos. We all knew this was bound to happen. (The Washington Times4)

  • Republicans disagree on timing of ObamaCare repeal and replace. (Bloomberg5)

  • Fort Lauderdale airport killer converted to Islam, identified as Aashiq Hammad years before attack. (Judicial Watch6)

  • Racist Charleston killer sentenced to death. (Fox News7)

  • Georgetown professor says whites should keep “individual reparations account.” (CNS News8)

  • Volkswagen expecting $4.3B criminal, civil settlement after evading emissions testing. (USA Today9)

  • More climate alarmism: “Without action, say goodbye to polar bears.” (The Washington Post10) Wrong — that’s “sensationalized nonsense11.”

  • The science is settled: Conservatives really are better looking, research says. (The Washington Post12)

  • Policy: Would more infrastructure spending really stimulate the economy? (Mercatus Center13)

  • Policy: Child-care and paid-leave policies that work for working parents. (National Review14)
