The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts
The Gipper: “I’ve always believed that a lot of the trouble in the world would disappear if we were talking to each other instead of about each other.”
Upright: “Putting politically correct sentimentality aside, it is not bigotry or discrimination to impose limits on nations or people who may be at war with us or who are likely to harm us. That is common sense. The Constitution is not a suicide pact that requires us to ignore reality.” —Gary Bauer
For the record: “It took 2 years for [the] Jonathan Gruber1 tapes to surface. It took 4 hours to report Trump unfollowed Morning Joe on Twitter.” —Stephen Miller
Alpha Jackass: “Did [Ben] Carson start out as a self-hating coon, or did he develop his ‘coonery’ over time? ” —Star Jones
The BIG lie: “Look, for all the Trump administration’s sort of focus on refugees, the single biggest national security threat is climate change. We’ve seen that the ways in which climate change has either sparked conflicts or has made existing conflicts worse again and again. This has been a major DoD priority.” —Brookings Institution’s Susan Hennessey
And last… “Nancy Pelosi set her clocks 2 hours ahead so she could always be the first to say something stupid.” —Twitter satirist @weknowwhatsbest