The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Top Headlines

  • The Trump tax record — turns out he paid more taxes than most people in his income level. (Washington Examiner)

  • Schumer, who voted for the border wall in 2006, now threatens a government shutdown over funding it. (The Daily Signal)

  • GOP senators say House health bill won’t pass without changes. (The Wall Street Journal)

  • White House seeks to cut billions in funding for United Nations. (Foreign Policy)

  • Trump to ease Obama-era rule on auto fuel economy standards. (The Washington Times)

  • Congress demands investigation into Obama administration meddling in foreign elections. (The Washington Free Beacon)

  • Senate Judiciary Committee demands all records on FBI plan to pay British ex-spy who made “Russia dossier” on Trump. (CNS News)

  • Study debunks oft-cited research alleging voter ID laws are racist. (LifeZette)

  • Tennessee sues federal government over “refugee” resettlement, citing violation of the Tenth Amendment. (CNS News)

  • Student loan defaults are surging, study finds. (Associated Press)

  • Congress passes legislation to undo Obama restrictions on drug tests for unemployed. (Washington Examiner)

  • Humpday Humor: Disrespect our flag? Here’s a challenge for you! (Video)

  • Policy: How the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals is trying to kill the Second Amendment. (America’s 1st Freedom)

  • Policy: America’s way ahead in Syria. (Critical Threats)

For more, visit Patriot Headline Report.