The Patriot Post® · Hypocritical UN Lectures America on Health Care

By Jordan Candler ·

When Donald Trump refers to the United Nations as sometimes being “a waste of time and money1,” this is a perfect example. In February, the UN told2 Trump officials that lawmakers who are seeking to repeal and replace ObamaCare were treading dangerously close to “violations” of international laws. Those laws, the UN reminds us, enshrine “the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health.”

The appeal states that “it is unclear what are the policy, programmatic and financial measures that will replace the ACA [Affordable Care Act] and how the new legal framework will guarantee that people with access to health insurance in the past through ACA will be able to realise [sic] their right to health in a non-discriminatory, accessible and affordable manner.” Never mind that ObamaCare guarantees the opposite of affordable health care. Frankly, it’s none of the UN’s business. But more importantly, pay attention not so much to the UN’s empty rhetoric but to its utter hypocrisy.

For example, last year the UN called on the U.S. to provide reparations for black Americans3 despite the fact some UN members, as a fundamental exercise of governing, actively violate civil rights and promote terrorism. Moreover, sexual abuse is rampant among UN peacekeepers4. And China and Russia — not exactly civil rights models — have extensive veto power at the UN. It’s really remarkable that the UN wants to lecture us on our health care decisions when it approves putting Saudi Arabia5 on the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Seriously. Of the UN, Trump says “there is such tremendous potential, but it is not living up.” No kidding.
