The Patriot Post® · Obama Officials Subpoenaed in Unmasking Probe

By Thomas Gallatin ·

A new chapter has been opened in the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. On Wednesday, the House committee issued subpoenas to the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation demanding that they turn over all records related to the Obama administration’s “unmasking” of members of Donald Trump’s campaign team. The subpoenas named three Obama officials: former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, former CIA Director John Brennan and, interestingly, former UN Ambassador Samantha Power.

While the subpoenaing of Rice and Brennan would be logical given their positions with respect to the intelligence community, the naming of Power is intriguingly odd. Why would an ambassador, whose job is diplomacy, demand the unmasking of U.S. citizens? This seems to be well outside her job description. As The Wall Street Journal explains, “Unmaskings are supposed to be rare, and if the mere ambassador to the UN could demand them, what privacy protection was the Obama White House really offering U.S. citizens?”

The temperature may be starting to rise for those former members of Obama’s White House. While the mainstream media has for months been pushing a narrative of a Trump-Russian collusion conspiracy — a narrative absent of any articulated or real crime — what has been largely ignored by the MSM is the actual criminal action of the leaking of classified information. The Obama administration has even admitted that it violated protection protocols in collecting intelligence on American citizens. Coupled with the number of unmasked members of Trump’s team, we’re seeing a better picture of an Obama administration deeply engaged in political spying1, which is a serious crime. If anyone was engaged in a Nixonian type of affair, all signs are pointing toward Obama not Trump.
