The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts

The Gipper: “We need true tax reform that will at least make a start toward restoring for our children the American Dream that wealth is denied to no one, that each individual has the right to fly as high as his strength and ability will take him.”

For the record: “What makes it egregious is the fact — and I think it’s obvious that it is a fact — that the attorney general of the United States was adjusting the way the department talked about its business so as to coincide with the way the Clinton campaign talked about that business. In other words, it made the Department of Justice essentially an arm of the Clinton campaign.” —former Attorney General Michael Mukasey on James Comey’s revelation1 that Lynch wanted him to call the Clinton email investigation a “matter”

A blind squirrel finds a nut: “I would have a queasy feeling too, though, to be candid with you. I think we need to know more about [Loretta Lynch’s protecting Clinton], and there’s only one way to know about it, and that’s to have the Judiciary Committee take a look at that.” —Sen. Dianne Feinstein

Wishful thinking: “I wish I had flown in from the White House, but I’m just as happy to be here anyway.” —Hillary Clinton at Medgar Evers College

Friendly fire: “The Clinton campaign did not spend their money on white workers, and they did not spend it on people of color. They spent it on themselves. Let’s be honest. They took a billion dollars — a billion dollars — and set it on fire, and called it a ‘campaign.’ That wasn’t a campaign.” —Van Jones

Alpha Jackass: “As far as American leadership is concerned, yes.” —Sen. John McCain suggesting Obama’s “leadership” style is preferable to Trump’s

“It’s desperately sad and poignant but among those who died is someone who’s British. There are French, Australian, Canadian, Spanish.” —London Metropolitan Police Chief Cressida Dick on the diversity of the dead

Late-night humor: “An 88-year-old woman has set a new record for oldest female to stand on the wing of a flying plane. It sounds dangerous, but it’s actually the safest place to be when you fly United.” —Seth Meyers
