The Patriot Post® · Trump Warns Maduro
Even after the people of Venezuela1 voted against his “constituent assembly,” President Nicolas Maduro is continuing with his plan to further cement his power. Maduro, ignoring the will of the people, plans to go around the National Assembly and on July 30th enact a “constituent assembly” packed full of his loyalists, who will set upon the task of re-writing the country’s constitution. Should this happen, Venezuelans can wave goodbye to what remains of their fledgling democracy. It will be a win for socialistic tyranny.
Sympathetic to the plight of the Venezuelan people, Donald Trump sent Maduro a message this week, warning that, should he continue with his planned power grab, the U.S. would respond with “strong and swift economic actions.” And for a nation with an economy already on the brink of collapse2 due to the mismanagement of its socialist government, sanctions would be devastating.
Venezuela is America’s third-largest supplier of foreign oil. In fact, oil accounts for 95% of Venezuela’s exports, so it’s very evident just how devastating a U.S. embargo against Venezuela would be. And if Trump convinces other nations such as Canada and India to join in the embargo, Maduro would find himself in an economic stranglehold. The ultimate aim would be to convince the Venezuelans and specifically the military to rise up and depose the dictator.
Finally, an important side note: Venezuela is serving as the latest reminder in a long line of historical examples of just how dangerous a system socialism is. If Liberty is not vigilantly guarded against power-hungry “do-gooders,” then totalitarianism will quickly and brutally rise to power.