The Patriot Post® · Monday Top Headlines

  • $2 million government program gets 17 people jobs. (The Daily Signal)

  • Senate may vote this week on health care bill, but which one? (CNS News)

  • Leaked CBO numbers: 73% of GOP “coverage losses” caused by individual mandate repeal. (National Review)

  • U.S. immigration raids to target teenaged suspected gang members. (Reuters)

  • Ten die in sweltering truck in illegal immigrant-smuggling attempt. (The Washington Times)

  • Congress reaches deal on Russia sanctions bill to punish Moscow. (Associated Press)

  • Jared Kushner releases details on previously undisclosed contact with Russian ambassador. (Paywall — The Wall Street Journal)

  • Intercepts suggest Jeff Sessions discussed Trump campaign matters with Russia envoy. (The Hill)

  • Anti-capitalist Museum of Capitalism opens in Oakland. (The Daily Californian)

  • Hungary’s PM: EU is “in alliance” with Soros to flood Europe with refugees. (CNS News)

  • Trump cuts wildly ineffective teen pregnancy program, media flip out. (The Federalist)

  • Oregon lawmakers vote to bail out Planned Parenthood (The Daily Signal)

  • Policy: Reading is fundamental to American Liberty. (The Heritage Foundation)

  • Policy: Is Trump’s goal of 3% growth realistic? You bet it is. (Investor’s Business Daily)

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