The Patriot Post® · Trump: Military Must Prepare for Real War, Not Culture War

By National Security Desk ·

On Wednesday, Donald Trump reversed one of Barack Obama’s most odious military policy decisions1. Trump tweeted, “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.”

This is welcome news and a return to some vestige of sanity for much of America and specifically military personnel, whose morale suffered2 for years as Obama treated the Armed Forces as his political social engineering project. Once again the military can go back to focusing on its primary objective of training, developing and preparing for what it does best — killing the enemy and winning wars, not crusading as social justice warriors for a corrupt, politically correct ideology.

According to a recent RAND study commissioned by the Pentagon, the military’s estimated annual medical cost to accommodate transgenders would have been at least $8.4 million. That’s not a huge hit to the military’s overall budget, but it’s still an egregious waste of funds on elective surgeries and hormone treatments for a “special” class of military personnel. And the expense would in no way benefit the primary objective of the military. Greater than the cost of accommodating transgender medical bills, however, is the cultural degradation the military would have suffered while forcing compliance to the politically correct policy. Required leftist diversity acceptance training programs, adherence to self-defining identity pronouns, sensitivity training, demanded recognition and acceptance of an individual’s gender disorientation over and against another individual soldier’s religious convictions … and the list goes on.

With the continued promotion of these leftist social engineering policies, the U.S. military was on a slow path of self-destruction. Obama’s transgender policy essentially prevented those who object to such practices from enlisting. In other words, residents of middle America, where patriotism and love for country runs deepest, would find themselves faced with having to compromise their morals and beliefs if they chose to join the military. While the Rainbow Mafia wails that the military is weaker for having not accommodated transgenders, the real question is just how much military capital has been lost already as Obama’s social engineering drove highly qualified individuals to choose not to compromise their morals.

Oh, and amid all the leftist ranting about this policy change “undermining national security,” as Mark Alexander noted in his column, “The Heterophobic Gender Deniers3,” the most heinous traitor in modern history was a gender confused former Army PFC, Bradley Manning — now claiming to be “Chelsea” after his taxpayer-funded gender reassignment4 while he was in prison for treason. As you recall, Obama awarded this traitor a midnight pardon5 just before leaving office — a fitting metaphor for Obama’s tenure as “commander in chief.”

