The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Top Headlines

  • “Affordable health care”? Some insurers seek ACA premium increases of 30% and higher. (Paywall — The Wall Street Journal)

  • White House drug commission implores Trump to declare a state of emergency (The Daily Signal)

  • EPA scientific integrity office clears Scott Pruitt’s global warming comments, tells Sierra Club to pound sand. (Washington Examiner)

  • Senate confirms Christopher Wray as FBI director in 92-5 vote. (The Washington Times)

  • Congressional investigation into Wasserman Schultz IT scandal moves forward. (The Washington Free Beacon)

  • Justice Dept. may look into universities’ affirmative action policies. (The Hill)

  • Attorney general set to block millions in funding to sanctuary cities. (The Daily Signal)

  • Retired generals, admirals thank Trump for announcing ban on transgender troops. (The Washington Times)

  • Tillerson and Graham play good cop, bad cop with North Korea. (Washington Examiner)

  • Apple appeasing Communist Chinese regulators as CEO Tim Cook hits Trump. (The Washington Free Beacon)

  • South Carolina nuclear plants scrapped, billions invested and lost. (Associated Press)

  • YouTube announces “limited state” for videos that include “controversial” content. (Hot Air)

  • Policy: Climate change isn’t the end of the world. (Paywall — The Wall Street Journal)

  • Policy: There really is no “gender wage gap”; there’s a “gender earnings gap.” (American Enterprise Institute)

For more, visit Patriot Headline Report.