The Patriot Post® · Twilight of the (Elitist) 'Gods'

By Arnold Ahlert ·

“Trump was right to step back from this new transgender brink. But he did it exactly the wrong way.” —U.S. Army vet David French in National Review

“President Trump made a policy decision without consulting all the right experts and getting the right approvals.” —David Danford in American Greatness

Both of the above statements refer to President Donald Trump resisting the notion that America’s fighting forces should be forced to oblige the Rainbow Mafia’s ideological agenda. There are many valid arguments to be made about resisting the deconstruction of the nation’s military, one social science experiment after another, but for the purposes of this column, they are beside the point.

There is a great divide in this nation, one many in the media are calling a Cold Civil War “where none of the traditional mechanisms work[ed] any more,” as columnist Richard Fernandez states.

Yet what, exactly, are those traditional mechanisms? For David French and company, substance must be accompanied by style. Real leadership requires Trump’s secretary of defense to “comprehensively study the issue of transgender service,” and then “draft a carefully written, factually supported statement describing in detail the military justifications for the policy,” after which a GOP-controlled Congress would ostensibly “write his policy into law — creating a far more permanent standard that couldn’t be quickly reversed by the next administration.”

Yet in the very same column, French assails “the terrible, social-justice-driven mistake of putting women in ground combat,” despite “copious evidence that mixed-gender units are less effective in basic military tasks than single-gender all-male combat units.”

How did that happen? The Obama administration “powered through” and made it happen, French explains.

What French leaves out? It happened in December 2015 — when those same Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress.

Danford reveals what really has our Ruling Class and its allies in media, academia, Hollywood and America’s bicoastal enclaves incensed. “Trump is slaying sacred cows and, in the words of American Greatness Senior Editor Julie Ponzi, he is killing the gods of the city and no one knows what to do,” Danford explains. “The only thing anybody knows is that the things we are seeing have never been done before and Donald Trump is refusing to follow any of the proper conventions. … Chaos reigns in the imperial city [Washington, DC], and Trump is to blame.”

Danford then inflicts the deepest wound of all — as in the idea millions of Americans are enjoying the chaos. “Newsflash to the Beltway establishment: Americans who elected Trump do not worship the current gods of the city,” he declares. “They know you’re responsible for killing the old ones and they wish to return the favor now. We want your gods dead. That is sort of what ‘drain the swamp’ means.”

Indeed. America has long endured the elitist-driven notion that our “best and brightest” are far better equipped to run the country than ordinary, hard-working Americans who must be relegated to the fringes, where they can inflict as little damage as possible on the national zeitgeist.

Yet what, exactly, have our self-aggrandizing “betters” given us? Nearly $20 trillion of debt, a failed health care system, porous borders, improperly vetted “refugees,” nuclear North Korea, Iran on its way, ongoing attacks on the First and Second Amendments, a worldwide financial crisis from which they remained largely immune, and wars where victory was never even contemplated, much less achieved — just for starters.

“Betters” like CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, who realizes Trump precipitated “a kind of class rebellion against people like us,” but nonetheless insists his victory was largely precipitated by the monopolization of “ugly racial animus” stirred up by the election of black president and the “sense of cultural alienation, older, white, noncollege education Americans have,” animated by immigrants blacks, homosexuals and working women “muscling in” on their “territory.”

In short, “bitter clingers” whose beliefs in tradition, culture, morality and national sovereignty remain beneath contempt.

Moreover, the elitist rot is bipartisan. Charles Krauthammer, who takes Trump to task for his criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, believes the “most appalling aspect” of that criticism is “reviving the idea of prosecuting Clinton.” Why? Because “in America we don’t lock up political adversaries,” he pontificates.

Even if those adversaries may have committed felonies, Charles?

Krauthammer uses the presidential pardon to continue framing his rationale. “On its face, it’s perverse,” he admits. “It allows one person to overturn equal justice. But the Founders understood that there are times, rare but vital, when social peace and national reconciliation require contravening ordinary justice.”

That’s colossally wrong. Nothing corrodes social peace and national reconciliation more than unequal treatment before the law. Millions of Americans, with emotions ranging from resignation to white hot anger have endured a parade of past and current government scandals where the only common denominator is that no one is held accountable for offenses that would likely send ordinary Americans to prison. Instead, we are often told that losing one’s reputation — or an election — is sufficient punishment for those who have already “suffered enough.”

Those who disagree lack “magnanimity,” according to Krauthammer.

Columnist George Will epitomizes a lack of magnanimity, coupled with a contemptible dismissiveness of the people and their choice for president. “This protracted learning experience, which the public chose to have and which should not be truncated, might whet the public’s appetite for an adult president confident enough to wince at, and disdain, the adoration of his most comically groveling hirelings,” he insists.

Will is a self-professed “principled conservative” who would have abided a Hillary Clinton presidency and a comically groveling media willing to protect her at every turn, no matter how corrupt. Apparently his place in the Beltway firmament renders him immune to any “protracted learning experience” at odds with his unrelenting snobbery.

Danford insists the angst shared by the American Left and the #NeverTrump crowd should have been expected and that the disruption and change America is experiencing “is not distracting from Trump’s agenda; it is Trump’s agenda.” And the most important part of that agenda is putting “everything is right out in the open” where, he declares, “the people can see their common sense up against what passes for expertise.”

Openness is key. Thus, Republicans who promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare have been outed for the cowardly frauds they truly are. Better still, Danford explains, American leftists and #NeverTrumpers, whose long reign as the nation’s self-congratulating arbiters of tolerance, diversity and expertise, have been revealed as people whose “politics are petty, tyrannical, and worthy of contempt,” whose “priests are corrupt,” and whose “conventions are oppressive.”

Even more alarming, there’s no relief in sight. Despite his numerous foibles, the elitists may underestimate Trump’s staying power. Millions of Americans now realize the stifling political correctness these “gods” insisted was inviolate is a mirage. Even worse? The possibility that the election of Trump wasn’t an anomaly, but rather the beginning of a paradigm shift toward the rediscovery of government of, by and for the people, in all their “deplorable” glory.

“Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad,” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once wrote. Prior to the election of Donald Trump, who could have imagined such madness would be self-inflicted?