The Patriot Post® · Monday Top Headlines

  • More than 50 killed, 400 wounded in Las Vegas Strip shooting (Las Vegas Review Journal)

  • FEMA Director: Puerto Rico damage “most logistically challenging even the United States has ever seen” (CNS News)

  • San Juan mayor blasts Trump for allowing “genocide” in Puerto Rico after hurricane; neighboring mayor slams her for “playing politics” and failing to lead (Washington Examiner)

  • Rick Perry just proposed sweeping new steps to help struggling coal and nuclear plants (The Washington Post)

  • Trump fires HHS Sec Price, further complicating GOP health care push (Fox News)

  • DSCC fundraises off Bernie Sanders’ single-payer bill (Washington Examiner)

  • DC Circuit won’t reconsider decision upholding the right to be armed in public (Reason)

  • NBA: Players must stand for national anthem (New York Post)

  • Two Texas high school football players dismissed from game after Anthem protest (NBC News)

  • American University cancels panel on free speech, Title IX (Hot Air)

  • Tormenting Manafort is seen as Weissmann’s way to snare big prosecution targets for Mueller (The Washington Times)

  • Ex-flight attendant accuses Southwest, union of religious discrimination (The Washington Free Beacon)

  • Policy: No government worker should be forced to pay union dues (National Review)

  • Policy: California’s latest bad idea — outlaw gas-powered cars (Investor’s Business Daily)

For more, visit Patriot Headline Report.