The Patriot Post® · The Uncensored President and Press

By Mark Alexander ·

If you haven’t figured this out yet, Donald Trump tends to be unfiltered and uncensored. While I don’t condone his coarse language or style, and see it as unbecoming the office he holds, the fact is those Trump characteristics resonates with the majority of “blue-collar” Americans. As I noted in my profile on Trump Wednesday, “He is a New Yorker, and he’s always acted like an archetypal New Yorker — brash, boastful, uncensored and unpredictable.”

In regard to Trump’s alleged “s—thole countries” comment, I would suggest that he should be credited with exercising restraint in his description of those countries by not padding “s—thole” with even more offensive descriptors.

For the record, most of your Patriot editorial team members have traveled to the countries Trump was referencing (among others), and some of us have lived in them. We can corroborate first hand that the remarks attributed to Trump regarding El Salvador, Honduras and Haiti, and some countries in Africa, are accurate — primarily because those third-world countries have been governed by corrupt regimes for generations.

Joe Concha, media analyst for The Hill, noted: “This is how he speaks. He’s inelegant, yes. He’s unfiltered, yes. But what people like about him so much is that he’s authentic. … I don’t think one Trump supporter jumps to the other side because of this comment.” Actually, Trump’s remark will bring more working blue-collar Democrats, those who have been ignored by the Democrat Party for 30 years, onto the Trump train.

Predictably, Demos and their mainstream media outlets are feigning outrage that such a word was used in the White House. Dick Durbin (D-IL), who made the original claim about Trump’s comments, wailed from the fainting couch, “I cannot believe that in the history of the White House and that Oval Office any president has ever spoken the words that I personally heard our president speak.” What planet has he been on?

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s White House tirades, as described by their Secret Service agents, make Trump’s alleged remarks sound like playground banter. (And recall, it was Bill and Hillary Clinton who exploited the Haitian people for their own financial gain…)

Of course, all the hyperbolic rhetoric on the Left is about their effort to paint Trump as a racist. Their objective (in addition to generating add revenue from mindless consumers) is to cast Trump’s immigration and border security plans as “racist,” to obfuscate his real purpose – protecting the integrity of our nation’s Rule of Law and the jobs of American workers.

To that end, Friday The Washington Post led with this “news”: “Trump’s comments about African countries and Haiti drew condemnation from around the world Friday, putting the White House and Republicans on the defensive while casting doubt on hopes of resolving disputes in the coming weeks over immigration legislation.”

No, MSM reporting of alleged comments drew condemnation…and cast doubts. Mission accomplished!

Democrats know that their political future depends on importing immigrants — a population they label as a “victim class,” which they can then exploit as an identity constituency and dependable voting block. As Democrats have veered further left, their working-class base has diminished. Rather than pivot their agenda back to the political center, they have doubled down on legal status for illegal immigrants.

UPDATE: On Thursday, Jeff Bezos’ tabloid, The Washington Post, first reported Trump’s alleged remarks. CNN then blew it up, mentioning or displaying the word “s—thole” no less than 40 times. Predictably, Anderson Cooper then set up the Democrat’s “racist” claim: “The president of the United States is tired of so many black people coming to this country.” The rest of the media outlets then propagated the report.

CNN’s Chief Washington Correspondent and anchor, Jake Tapper, then ratcheted up the race-bait rhetoric: “You know who loved the [quote]? Racists. Racists such as David Duke [and] Richard Spencer [and] the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer…”

But on Friday morning, Tapper posted this “clarification”: “The president did not refer to Haiti as a ‘s—thole’ country.‘” Tapper now claims, “There was a conflation of two different remarks by the president. When talking about 'temporary protected status’ countries as part of the immigration deal, it was mentioned that Salvadorans, Hondurans and Haitians have that status.” Tapper says his sources now say it was later when Trump allegedly made a remark about “s—thole countries” in a conversation related to Africa.

That may or may not be true, but by the end of day Friday, CNN talkingheads said “s—thole” 195 times.

Of his revision about the alleged Trump remark, Tapper insisted: “This does not make what he said any more acceptable.” Unintentionally, that may be true, because if Trump didn’t say it, the erroneous reports about it are all just that. Of course, what Tapper was really implying is that the truth about what Trump said does not matter — all that matters is the MSM’s transparent promotion of the Democrat agenda.

That agenda is to frame Trump as a “racist” and then cast his immigration and border security plans as racist — well timed to coincide with MLK Day.

For the record, having to walk back the initial claim with the “conflation of the two” excuse would be sufficient grounds for any journalist with an ounce of integrity, and any other media outlet propagating the original claim, to issue a full and unconditional retraction. Of course, no journalist with an ounce of integrity would have reported this alleged remark in the first place, which is why no such retraction has been forthcoming from CNN or any other media outlets, because advancing the Democrat agenda trumps the truth.