The Patriot Post® · Background Checks Take a Back Seat With Dem IT Aides
Remember Imran Awan, the now-deposed IT aide for congressional Democrats? Awan is a Pakistani native who, with the help of family members — brothers Abid and Jamal and Imran’s wife Hina Alvi — facilitated an under-the-radar scheme from which they procured sensitive information by illegally accessing Democrat lawmakers’ computers1. They even borrowed from Hillary Clinton’s playbook by storing it on a clandestine server2.
Former DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz still has a lot to answer for — she fired Imran only after he was arrested at Dulles International Airport during his escape route. In truth, though, every single Democrat who had any association with the IT aides shares some responsibility. This week The Daily Caller reported3, “Every one of the 44 House Democrats who hired Pakistan-born IT aides who later allegedly made ‘unauthorized access’ to congressional data appears to have chosen to exempt them from background checks, according to congressional documents.”
“The House security policy requires offices to fill out a form attesting that they’ve initiated background checks,” the report adds, “but it also includes a loophole allowing them to simply say that another member vouched for them.” Another aide and accomplice, Rao Abbas — described as a friend of Imran — also avoided a background check. Here’s some of what went ignored as a result:
> Among the red flags in Abid’s background were a $1.1 million bankruptcy; six lawsuits against him or a company he owned; and at least three misdemeanor convictions including for DUI and driving on a suspended license, according to Virginia court records. Public court records show that Imran and Abid operated a car dealership referred to as CIA that took $100,000 from an Iraqi government official who is a fugitive from U.S. authorities. Numerous members of the family were tied to cryptic LLCs such as New Dawn 2001, operated out of Imran’s residence, Virginia corporation records show. Imran was the subject of repeated calls to police by multiple women and had multiple misdemeanor convictions for driving offenses, according to court records.
At this point you can probably already note the irony, but if not, consider this Daily Caller snippet: “The primary advocate for the suspects has been Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, who introduced a bill Monday that would require background checks on Americans purchasing ammunition.” Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
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