The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Political Editors ·

For the record: “It’s clear that from the beginning … they’re investigating a person, not a crime. And in so doing, it is the most vile violation of the Constitution.” —Joe DiGenova, former Trump attorney, on the Mueller investigation

Observations: “Since [Stormy] Daniels never has claimed that she was forced into a supposed sexual relationship, the only basis for any claim … was her threat to make her claims about a supposed affair public to injure Trump’s reputation. Would that violate federal law? Good question. And somehow, I doubt that [Robert] Mueller is investigating that.” —Hans von Spakovsky

Upright: “I don’t agree with everything the NRA espouses, but I understand their position. You have to be extreme to counter the other extreme. … The Second Amendment, if you really studied it … makes perfect sense today. What’s happening is a total misuse of the Second Amendment.” —"Criminal Minds" actor Joe Mantegna

Braying Jackass: “It has not been Republicans. It is always Democrats. We’ve been there for you. We’re gonna stay there for you. And damn this president! We’re not going to let him destroy organized labor.” —Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)

Well, bye: “I want to thank some of you for sending good wishes a very long way during my campaign and the months that followed. I received a number of invitations from Kiwis to permanently relocate [to New Zealand], and I must say that I really did appreciate the offers, gave them some thought.” —Hillary Clinton on what she almost did after losing in 2016 (If only she’d followed through.)

And last… “The fact that one of our two major political parties is advocating lowering the voting age to 16 is a good example of the absence of wisdom among a large segment of the adult population. What adult deems 16-year-olds capable of making a wise voting decision? The answer is an adult with the wisdom of a 16-year-old.” —Dennis Prager