The Patriot Post® · Cuomo Weaponizes Bank Regulations Against 2A
New York Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo has a long history of trying to restrict the Second Amendment. So do a lot of politicians, but Cuomo’s shown no compunction about cutting ethical, legal and constitutional corners.
Think his actions as secretary of Housing and Urban Development were bad? All he did there was to coordinate lawsuits as a way to coerce firearms manufacturers into accepting what was then the wish list for gun-control activists. A wish list that had been beaten in the legislative and political arenas. As governor of New York, though, he is now leaning on businesses to stop their legal deals with the National Rifle Association.
The NRA has filed suit1 against Cuomo over his efforts to “blacklist” this civil rights group. In a tactical and strategic sense, it’s a brilliant move to use the vague “reputational risk” provisions to pressure banks. Especially when you have a bully pulpit. Purported brilliance aside, Cuomo is essentially coercing businesses to boycott the NRA2.
Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety claims to have been involved as well. This shows just how little respect gun-control advocates have for any of our rights. Obviously losing the debate on one front, they decided to conspire with Cuomo in this scheme.
Harsh? Let’s be blunt. The major reason those banks and insurance companies have ended their relationships with the NRA was the threat of government action. To wit, fines of over a million dollars were in play — all for having the same sort of deal with the NRA that they had with a variety of other groups, like the New York State Bar Association and the New York City Bar. Or for providing an insurance product that keeps those who legally defend themselves from being bankrupted.
Both Cuomo and Everytown may need to face a criminal trial for conspiracy to interfere with civil rights (42 USC 19853). Furthermore, this is the type of thing that will continue in other states. If they can target banks and insurance companies who do business with conservative groups, what’s next?
It’s all part of Chokepoint II4, and it marks a very dangerous shift. The next Democrat president will have many regulatory levels to pull, and potentially an army of Lois Lerners to unleash on those who dissent. Worse, the de-monetization has now extended to mainstream conservative blogs, with Legal Insurrection the latest to fall victim5.
The blacklist is alive and well, and conservatives had better start preparing for when those who make the blacklists come for them. Having been beaten with the power of persuasion on the gun issue for the most part, gun grabbers are turning to other means to trample our rights.