The Patriot Post® · Resolving the Alien Minor Separation Issue

By Thomas Gallatin ·

As pressure mounted nationally under the strategic Democrat- and mainstream media-fomented conniption fit1 over the practice of separating minors from parents who have illegally crossed the U.S. border, President Donald Trump issued an executive order Wednesday halting the practice. Trump said that the U.S. needs to have a “very powerful, very strong border … [while] at the same time we have compassion.” He added, “We want to keep families together. It’s very important. … I don’t like the sight or the feeling of families being separated.”

In his executive order, Trump noted that while the families will not be separated, they also will not be released. The order reads, “It is the policy of this Administration to rigorously enforce our immigration laws. It is also the policy of this Administration to maintain family unity, including by detaining alien families together where appropriate and consistent with law and available resources. It is unfortunate that Congress’s failure to act and court orders have put the Administration in the position of separating alien families to effectively enforce the law.”

Did Trump’s action assuage Democrat and MSM “moral” objections? Nope. Before the ink was even dry on Trump’s EO, Democrats began voicing their objections. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-2020) complained, “This Executive Order doesn’t fix the crisis. Indefinitely detaining children with their families in camps is inhumane and will not make us safe.” Sen. Bernie Sanders (S-VT) harangued, “Trump’s executive order merely replaces one inhumane act with another. In response to the overwhelming public outrage at his policy of tearing children away from their parents at the border, this administration thinks the appropriate response is to indefinitely detain families.” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) lamented, “It’s extremely troubling that the president’s executive order would require immigrant families with children to be detained indefinitely. The order appears to be the next step in the Trump administration’s larger agenda to eliminate basic protections for asylum seekers.”

Clearly, Democrats favor open borders and want to see the reinstatement of Barack Obama’s catch-and-release policy that amounted to nonenforcement against illegal immigration. It’s a despicable hate-fest ginned up for the 2018 midterms2.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) quickly called out the Democrats, tweeting, “Some Democrats now even using the disingenuous ‘indefinite detention’ term. They know full well that those who unlawfully enter the U.S. are not held indefinitely… Just heard Senate colleague on floor say U.S. detains immigrant children ‘indefinitely & indiscriminately’. That is just PATENTLY FALSE. They are entitled to due process hearing so not indefinite. And only applies to those who enter the U.S. unlawfully so it’s not indiscriminate.”

But it was Trump himself who dealt the most devastating blow with a video of Democrat leaders3 advocating tough immigration enforcement. You know, back before they could bash him for actually doing it.

Now for a few important details the mainstream media is deliberately not telling you.

Of the 12,000 immigrant minors in Health and Human Services custody, 10,000 crossed the border without a family member, and 2,000 are in custody because their parents entered the country illegally.

Mark Alexander argues that “these minors in HHS custody are now safer, more comfortable and better cared for than at any other time in their lives.”

As HHS Secretary Alex Azar notes: “The vast majority of these kids are teenagers, over the age of 13. We have a few who are under the age of 13 and keep them in separate facilities with separate protocols. These kids are getting the full range of services. America is a generous nation, and America takes care of these kids even though they should not be in the country. We provide them with education, we provide them with meals, they get medical care, they get dental care, vision, they get athletic time, entertainment, they get psychiatric care. We’re providing excellent care for these kids. … Each child costs taxpayers hundreds of dollars per day … more than most U.S. parents can afford to spend on their children.”

Azar notes further, “The simple fact is, the way you prevent separation, the way you prevent your children from coming into our care — don’t come into our country illegally. Go and present yourself at a legal border crossing with permission to come into the country, or make your case why you legally should be allowed to enter. If you break our laws, you will be prosecuted. If you’re prosecuted, you may have your children given into our custody.”

Exercise a little sensory discrimination and intellectual discretion before assuming what is true…
