The Patriot Post® · Leftmedia Exploits Child for Homosexual Agenda

By Culture Beat ·

Dogmatic commitment to an ideology will ensure that both truth and individuals are sacrificed in support of furthering the greater cause. The reality of this scenario has been repeatedly demonstrated in particular by those committed to the leftist agenda of “social justice.” Ironically, details and facts of specific cases of injustice, abuse or crime are often ignored or misapplied in order to support the desired ideological narrative. Likewise, the exploitation of various vulnerable individuals is accepted and even celebrated if it serves to further the broader cause.

Such is the case with a 10-year-old boy named Desmond. He is clearly struggling with gender dysphoria, though he — with his parents’ encouragement — claims otherwise. You see, Desmond dresses in drag. He says he was inspired to do so at the age of two when he first watched an episode of “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” He also claims to have come “out of the closet” as a homosexual at age of three. So a 10-year-old prepubescent boy is able to experience a sexual desire that his hormones have yet to express? What kind of parents would allow their child to live in such a delusion, and not only allow but exploit it? According to Desmond, his parents “didn’t think it sounded like a good idea to force a child to do something they didn’t want to do.”

Forcing kids to do what they don’t want to do is called “parenting.”

The Washington Examiner’s Nicole Russell writes, “That’s nonsense. Parents can and should do this all the time. My children would likely eat Little Debbie Cakes and watch movies all day long without intervention. School, chores, homework, reading — those are all things kids would often rather not do. Do we indulge that fantasy? Heck, kids would rather run out in the middle of the street, go eight days without bathing, and eat Pop Rocks all day long — do we indulge them in that too? There are no perfect parents, myself included, but the fine line between boundaries and freedom is one that every parent must navigate with their children.”

And yet, for that Leftmedia rag called The Huffington Post, Desmond served as the perfect “poster child” for promoting the pro-LGBTQ agenda. The Post tweeted out its celebration of the end of “Pride Month” by featuring Desmond along with this tripe: “As Pride month comes to a close, Desmond Is Amazing, the ten-year-old drag kid from New York, is proof that the future is queer.” No, this is actually proof that The Huffington Post condones exploitation and child abuse. Renowned University of Toronto professor of psychology and clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson responded, “In what moral universe is it acceptable to encourage a 10 yr old boy to dress like an adult male mimicking a sexualized adult female, use that as a ticket to fame and then claim it as virtue? If you don’t see that this child is being exploited then ideology has possessed you to the core.”