The Patriot Post® · Vote for the Party That Doesn't Despise You
Last week, following the murder of 11 worshipers at a Pittsburgh synagogue, California Democrat Sen. Kamala Harris didn’t let a crisis go to waste. “We have to speak truth about the fact that racism exists in our country and anti-Semitism exists in our country. We need to speak truth about that and deal with it,” she tweeted. No doubt, Ms. Harris. And addressing your fellow Democrats and their media allies would be a great place to start.
Right at the top in fact. Here’s a photo1 of former President Barack Obama posing with rabid anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, whose most recent outburst2 was referring to Jews as “termites.” Well, that and chanting3 “Death to America” during a visit to Iran. The photo was purposefully buried for 13 years. “I swore myself to secrecy,” stated4 photographer Askia Muhammad, who also alleged a staffer from the Congressional Black Caucus requested the photo for “safekeeping.” He added, “If the picture was exposed, it could still be a deal breaker for Obama.”
Perhaps during his initial run for president in 2008. But by the Democrats Party’s 2012 convention, the hearty round of boos that ensued5 when chairman Antonio Villaraigosa stated that moving the capital of Israel to Jerusalem would be part of the party’s platform, indicated Obama had little to worry about going forward.
Then there’s Keith Ellison, elected deputy chairman of the Democrat National Committee despite a decades-long6 association with Farrakhan and his own track record7 of defending anti-Semites. He is joined by least six other Democrats, including Reps. Maxine Waters (CA), Barbara Lee (CA), Danny Davis (IL), Andre Carson (IN), Gregory Meeks (NY), and Al Green (TX), who have also attended8 meetings with Farrakhan.
Democrats were also highly supportive of the anti-Trump Women’s March, despite the fact that co-leader Tamika Mallory not only attended9 a Jew-bashing conference by Farrakhan but eagerly promoted10 that attendance. The other March co-leader was Linda Sarsour, who once tweeted11 that “Sharia law is reasonable,” and gave a speech12 at the annual Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention in Houston, where she stated that anyone who supported “defending” and “humanizing” Israelis was “on the side of the oppressor.”
Another prominent Democrat who routinely associated13 with both Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder14 is Al Sharpton. The same Al Sharpton who referred to Jews as “diamond merchants” following three nights of rioting in Crown Heights precipitated by the death of seven-year-old black American Gavin Cato, who was run over and killed by a driver in a Hasidic Jewish rabbi’s entourage. Sharpton led the protests that turned into riots, letting the neighborhood’s Jewish community know exactly where15 he stood in the process. “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house,” he declared.
These Democrat Party “luminaries” are joined by rising stars like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who DNC Chairman Tom Perez called the “future of the party16.” If so, it is a future where Ocasio-Cortez insists that Israel’s defense against attacks from Gaza was a “massacre,” Palestinian Gazans and Ferguson blacks are similarly oppressed victims, and Jews are “white privileged.”
White privileged Jews? Last Wednesday, The New York Times admitted17 anti-Semitic crimes, “constituted half of all hate crimes in New York this year,” and that “bias stemming from longstanding ethnic tensions in the city presents complexities that many liberals have chosen simply to ignore.”
What “complexities?” As columnist Ben Shapiro explains18, leftists embrace “a preferred narrative in which Jews are part of the white privileged class, unless they are victimized by white supremacists.”
Leftist-inspired anti-Semitism is hardly confined to New York City. “If you’re hunting for the places where anti-semitism thrives in America, you’d be better off looking on its college campuses than in the White House,” writes19 columnist Nolan Finley, referring to the burgeoning Boycott, Disinvest and Sanction (BDS) movement20 that routinely refers to Israel as an apartheid state.
If Democrats had their way, America would be an apartheid state, and nothing makes it clearer than their obsession with white privilege. Thus, Hillary Clinton can assert21 whites need to “recognize” it, Nancy Pelosi can accuse22 Trump of trying to “make American white again,” and Joe Biden can insist23 that Republicans “don’t want black folks voting.” CNN’s Don Lemon can declare24 that white men are the “biggest terror threat in this country,” New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg can assert25 America is a nation where an “embittered white conservative minority clings to power,” until they are “replaced,” and the same paper’s editorial board member Sarah Jeong can speak26 to the “joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.”
White women? They “benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain,” asserts27 NY Times columnist Alexis Grenell.
Is it working? According to a Harvard-Harris poll, Trump’s approval among black Americans has more than28 tripled, from 8% in 2016, to 29% this year. Maybe record levels29 of employment and a 3.1% increase in hourly earnings, both directly attributable to the Trump administration’s economic policies, are more important. And maybe an increasing number of black Americans are beginning to recognize the inherent racism of a party that sees them as eternal victims. Victims who face social ostracizing30 if they stray from progressive dogma.
If Democrats take the House tomorrow, Maxine Waters, who could be the next chair of the Financial Services Committee, revealed31 to Wall Street, banks, and insurance companies that she remains firmly wedded to the politics of victimization. “I have not forgotten you foreclosed on our houses,” she stated. “I have not forgotten that you undermined our communities. … What am I going to do to you? What I am going to do to you is fair. I’m going to do to you what you did to us.”
Such a rant is many things. An economic policy isn’t one of them. Moreover, Waters conveniently forgets that banks were coerced32 by Democrats into making loans to minority homebuyers with questionable credit — lest they be accused of racism33.
That an economically illiterate Democrat party — whose entire agenda is the antithesis of American exceptionalism — has a chance to prevail in either chamber of Congress is a testament to many things: a mainstream media that is a de facto extension of that party and its agenda; a president whose compulsion to respond to every slight against him, no matter how puerile, alienates many people and too often obscures the enormous successes34 he has engendered; a Republican Party whose commitment35 to conservative principles is more about campaign sloganeering than governance; and a bankrupt education system, “downstream” from both politics and culture, that has produced millions of weak-thinking Americans.
Americans who cannot see that the well-documented horror of socialist/Marxist philosophy and the “fundamental transformation” of America are indistinguishable from one another.
Thus, voters must choose between a GOP led by spineless, ideologically challenged frauds who squandered two years of congressional control — and a grand opportunity to embrace desperately needed conservative principles (especially fiscal conservatism) — and a Democrat Party whose aging leadership is frantically trying to keep the ever-increasing numbers of its anti-Semitic, race-baiting, socialist/Marxist “stars” in check.
Opt for the GOP. One Venezuela in the Western hemisphere is more than enough.