The Patriot Post® · Election Referendum Narrative: It's All About One Guy

By Thomas Gallatin ·

Election Day has finally arrived, and Democrats will soon find out if their “make everything about resisting Donald Trump” gamble will pay off. In truth, Democrats had little else to campaign on besides fear, anger, hatred, and division, as a majority of Americans want nothing to do with the party’s extreme leftist policies.

The economy is roaring thanks to the extraordinary record of Trump and Republicans. Unemployment numbers have hit record lows, wages are up, and consumer confidence is high as Americans are feeling increasingly optimistic about the future. Trump has been equally impressive on the international front, from his ongoing work to bring about an end to the North Korean nuclear nemesis to reworking trade deals (the most significant being NAFTA) and his bold willingness to confront China’s unfair trade practices. He has also proven successful in reversing Barack Obama’s dismal foreign-policy deals, specifically by pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Agreement on climate and the Iran nuclear deal. These are all huge wins for the country, which have reestablished the U.S. as a world leader and further protected the nation’s sovereignty.

For his part, Trump has fully embraced the mainstream media’s narrative that the midterms are a referendum on his presidency. Historically, midterm elections have been more about local politics, but that is becoming less true with each cycle. Thus far, early voting has hit record numbers, indicating a higher-than-normal voter turnout. Voter enthusiasm across both parties is high.

Erick Erickson sums it up: “If the GOP does well today, it will be because Americans are looking around and realizing Donald Trump isn’t as bad as they thought. If the GOP does badly today, it will be because Americans, including some of those who voted for him, have decided someone needs to restrain the President. Up and down the ballot the issue of Trump will impact voters.”

Will Americans awake tomorrow morning to a blue wave, a red wall, or a mix of both? We’ll soon find out, but there is one thing all Americans should be happy to see — no more campaign commercials.