The Patriot Post® · Thursday Short Cuts

By Political Editors ·

Upright: “We were told that we simply must bail out General Motors during the financial crisis because if we failed to, that would lead to a bloodbath of job losses and cascading business failures. But the job losses were always going to come: Paying people to build things that consumers don’t really want isn’t a sustainable business model. That’s a reality you cannot bail your way out of.” —Kevin Williamson

Race bait: “I think it’s important to remember that identity politics doesn’t just apply when it’s black people or gay people or women. The folks who really originated identity politics were the folks who said Three-Fifths Clause and all that stuff. That was identity politics.” —Barack Obama

Globalist fantasies: “The Washington consensus, whatever you want to call it, got a little too comfortable. … They’re only looking at GDP numbers and they’re looking at the Internet, and everything’s looking pretty great, particularly after the Cold War. After what you guys engineered, you had this period of great smugness on the part of America and American elites, thinking we got this all figured out.” —Barack Obama

Hot air: “I just want to ask the question for folks at home, folks like us. We got kids. We don’t want to be slowly burned to death on our own planet here. Is the human race running — in the simplest terms — running out of time to take the measures necessary to rein in this rise in global temperatures?” —CNN’s Jim Sciutto

Non Compos Mentis: “I don’t care what Obama did. I care what Trump is doing right here right now!” —"The View’s" Sunny Hostin displaying Trump Derangement Syndrome over the border-crisis response

And last… “The teachers union has a stranglehold on many of the politicians in this country, both at the federal level and at the state level, and they are very resistant to the kind of changes that need to happen. They are very protective of what they know, and they’re protective, really protective of adult jobs and not really focused on what’s right for individual students.” —Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos