The Patriot Post® · Monday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

  • MEXICO DEAL: “President Donald Trump defended his administration’s deal with Mexico against criticism that there were no major new commitments to stem a flow of Central American migrants crossing into the United States, and said on Sunday more details would soon be released.” (Reuters)

  • LEFT COAST LUNACY: “California is set to become the first state in the country to pay for tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to have full health benefits. Under an agreement between Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democrats in the state legislature, low-income adults between the ages of 19 and 25 living in California illegally would be eligible for California’s Medicaid program, known as Medi-Cal. The deal emerged as part of a broader $213 billion budget.” (Fox News)

  • IMPEACHMENT CHURN: “Top Democratic leaders may be in no rush to launch an impeachment inquiry, but the party is launching a series of hearings this week on special counsel Robert Mueller’s report,” the Associated Press reports. “The slate of televised sessions on Mueller’s report means a new, intensified focus on the Russia probe and puts it on an investigative ‘path’ — in the words of anti-impeachment Speaker Nancy Pelosi — that some Democrats hope leads to impeachment of President Donald Trump.” Try not to spew your coffee, but NBC News adds that Dems are also considering a series of bills to “safeguard democracy.”

  • RELIGIOUS LIBERTY: “A florist who refused to create floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court after a Washington state court ruled Thursday that she violated the state’s civil rights law. The case presents the high court with an opportunity to decide whether conservative religious believers can use the First Amendment as a defense against laws requiring accommodation of LGBT people, a question the justices ducked in the 2018 Masterpiece Cakeshop ruling.” (The Daily Signal)

  • BIOFUEL FAIL: “A federal program requiring the use of corn-based ethanol and biodiesel in gasoline supplies hasn’t lowered pump prices or significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office,” Bloomberg reports. Other than that, top-down government mandates are a huge success!

  • DEREGULATING MILEAGE STANDARDS: “The Environmental Protection Agency and the Transportation Department are poised to finalize a proposal this summer that would set federal car standards at roughly 37 miles per gallon, rather than raising them to nearly 51 miles per gallon for 2025 models. The rule would also revoke California’s existing waiver to set its own rules under the Clean Air Act, a practice the federal government has sanctioned for decades.” (The Washington Post)

  • CLIMATE NEVER MIND: “The National Park Service (NPS) quietly removed a visitor center sign saying the glaciers at Glacier National Park would disappear by 2020 due to climate change,” The Daily Caller reports. “As it turns out, higher-than-average snowfall in recent years upended computer model projections from the early 2000s that NPS based its claim glaciers ‘will all be gone by the year 2020,’ federal officials said.”

  • ALABAMA ABORTION BLOWBACK: “Hugh Culverhouse Jr. — the University of Alabama’s largest donor — has called for boycotts against the state and against the University of Alabama over its new abortion law that protects unborn babies. The University of Alabama responded on Friday by returning a $21.5 million gift that it received from Culverhouse, who had allegedly tried to interfere in the operations of the law school. The school also removed his name from the law school.” (The Daily Wire)

  • POLICY: The Hyde Amendment is saving (mostly nonwhite) lives (Washington Examiner)

  • POLICY: Great Lakes reveal a fatal flaw in climate change “science” (Issues & Insights)

  • HUMOR: Media urged not to release names of any more presidential candidates in effort to prevent copycats (The Onion)

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