The Patriot Post® · Zogby: Dems May Win 2020 But...

By Political Editors ·

Democrat pollster John Zogby says, “The Democrats enter the [2020] race with some distinct advantages. First, history is on their side. They have won the popular vote in six of the past seven nationwide elections.” In fact, he says, “If the election were held today, the polls are clear that [President Donald] Trump would lose — perhaps in a landslide.” But the devil is in the details, he warns, and besides, “The election is not today.”

Zogby points to some warning signs for Democrats that, for Patriot Post readers, will strike at familiar themes.

“More Americans are earning a paycheck today than ever before,” he says, noting that the economy is strong. Indeed, Trump’s policies are benefiting Americans across the board1. Unless Democrats get the recession2 they’re hoping and pushing for, the economy will only help Trump.

However, Zogby says Democrats have a bigger problem, and it’s one they see as a strength. “The party is very diverse and there will be demands to have a woman, an Hispanic, an African American, a member of the LGBTQ community and so on,” he says. “I can see this becoming a battle royal and causing potentially fatal damage to party unity. Simply being anti-Trump will not be enough for the Democrats to win.” Moreover, separating every single issue into victims versus villains runs the risk of alienating too many voters.

Finally, Zogby says, “The Democrats also suffer from elitism, a sense that they are the party of college-bred, coastal liberals who are in full possession of the truth. This has hurt them in previous elections — 2000, 2004, and 2016 come to mind.” As already noted, if Democrats continue to deride the “deplorables,” they are bound to lose a lot of votes. Time will tell, of course, but when your own pollster is issuing warnings, it might be best to heed them. Following last week’s debates, it’s hard to argue against Zogby’s observations, other than it appears the Democrats have decided that they will show no quarter to even moderates in their party.
