The Patriot Post® · The Real Strategy for Trump and Democrats
As the firestorm ignited by President Donald Trump’s social-media comments against four extreme leftist Democrat congresswomen known as “The Squad” entered its third day, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) sought to add fuel to the fire by holding a vote on a resolution to rebuke and condemn Trump’s comments as “racist.” Ironically, what unfolded on the floor of the House became yet another embarrassing example of Democrat hypocrisy, as Pelosi proceeded to unapologetically break a Democrat-created parliamentarian rule in her effort to label Trump a racist. The rule in question, as House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) explained, forbids “characterizing an action as racist,” but it did nothing to either prompt Pelosi to back off her remarks or prevent every single Democrat siding with the speaker. Once again, for the Left, the rules only apply to the opposition.
The clear goal for Pelosi and the Democrats was to officially label Trump a racist. And like clockwork, the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, The Washington Post, reported it with these two headlines: “A divided House votes for resolution condemning Trump’s racist remarks,” and then, “Trump’s racist comments can be used against him in court as judges cite them to block policies.” When you can’t win the argument on its merits (or lack thereof), charge your opponent with “racism.”1 Democrats have been playing this slanderous game a long time.
Meanwhile, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) weighed in on Tuesday, rebuking leftist “Squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for her repeated statements of “bitterness and anger toward the country.” Paul added, “She says this is terrible, a place without justice and all this.” He then set the record straight, noting, “She’s a congresswoman. She got here as a refugee 20 years ago. She’s elected to Congress. I can’t imagine a better country that elected her to Congress and she badmouths our country.”
A final observation: While it is clear what the intent of Democrats and the Leftmedia is, what seems to be less obvious to many is what Trump is doing. As we noted Monday2, he has successfully induced Democrats to circle the wagons around the most radical (and unpopular) members of their party, which Tuesday’s House vote demonstrates. However, what many may not appreciate is the fact that he has steered the conversation toward the question of what constitutes true American values. In so doing, his goal is to set himself up as the only unapologetically pro-American presidential candidate in 2020. His aim is to pressure the Democrat presidential candidates into appearing to campaign against not just him but against America. And thus far Democrats have failed to avoid his trap.