The Patriot Post® · The Socialist 'Gang of Four' Squad
We have long objected to the manner in which President Donald Trump uses a certain social-media platform because of just how far removed it is from what should be presidential character1. But we have to step back and marvel at the way he succeeds in making his political opponents double down on crazy and nearly implode in the process. Political opponents who, by the way, aren’t just saying mean things; they’re aiming to fundamentally transform America into a totalitarian socialist state.
After Trump’s weekend tweets, we argued — contrary to the prevailing Beltway political “wisdom” — that Trump was deliberately uniting Democrats2 behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley (collectively known as “The Squad”) for the simple reason that they are radical anti-American leftists. We believe they would be better tagged, the “Gang of Four,” based on their socialist views3. Beset as they are with Trump Derangement Syndrome4, Democrats compulsively took the bait, screaming from every venue that Trump is “racist5,” even though his comments had nothing to do with race and everything to do with loving (or hating, as the case may be) America.
The strategy for both parties6 continued to play out Wednesday in the House. After voting to condemn Trump’s “racist” comments, House Democrats ended up being forced to block an impeachment resolution introduced by Rep. Al Green. The resolution, based on Trump’s supposed “racism” and not the usual charge of “obstruction of justice,” failed 332-95.
“We’re going to impeach this motherf—r,” screamed Tlaib earlier this year. Eh, not so much.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has long opposed impeachment because she knows it’s a political loser for the Democrat Party7. Instead, Pelosi insists on staying on “the serious path” of nonstop investigations. But being speaker is akin to herding cats, and many in her caucus are rabidly in favor of overturning the 2016 election through impeachment. And all Democrats agree they at least want the cloud hanging over Trump for the duration of his first term.
While Democrats are busy with their investigations and impeachment votes, and while Omar is introducing a resolution8 supporting a boycott of Israel in part with the justification that the U.S. boycotted … Nazi Germany (stop and think about that for a moment), Trump is expanding on his strategy. In a North Carolina rally Wednesday, Trump focused his fire on the Gang of Four, arguing, “They don’t love our country. I think in some cases they hate our country.” He later added, “I have a suggestion for the hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down. They never have anything good to say. That’s why I say, ‘Hey, if they don’t like it, let them leave.’”
The Leftmedia focused on the crowd’s chant, “Send her back,” in reference to Omar, but the truth is, millions of Americans are tired of America-hating Democrats like Ocasio-Cortez claiming as she did in January that the migrants overwhelming the border are “more American than any person who seeks to keep them out ever will be.”
If that doesn’t define what this debate is really about, we don’t know what does.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 17, 201910