The Patriot Post® · 'An Act of Violence': Texas ICE Offices Fired Upon

By Gary Bauer ·

Two Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) offices in San Antonio, Texas, were attacked around 3:00 AM Tuesday morning. Multiple gunshots were fired into a building that houses administrative and executive offices for ICE. Another nearby building, which houses a firm that contracts with ICE, was also shot at around the same time.

FBI Special Agent Christopher Combs told reporters that the shots were fired by “an unknown number of individuals in an unknown number of vehicles.” Combs added that the attack was “very targeted” and that federal employees were nearly killed.

“We will vigorously go after those who are responsible,” Combs said. “To fire indiscriminately into any building, let alone a federal facility, is not an act of protest. It’s an act of violence.”

ICE Field Director Daniel Bible said:

Political rhetoric and misinformation that various politicians, media outlets and activist groups recklessly disseminate to the American people regarding the ICE mission only serve to further encourage these violent acts.

ICE officers put their lives on the line each and every day to keep our communities safe. This disturbing public discourse shrouds our critical law enforcement function and unnecessarily puts our officers’ safety at risk.

These incidents mark at least four violent attacks against ICE facilities so far this year.

In addition to the protests in Aurora, Colorado, where the U.S. and Blue Lives Matter flags were taken down and defaced, there was the attempted firebombing of an ICE facility in Tacoma, Washington, by a deranged Antifa member.

He also had a manifesto. But you have not heard much about that because it doesn’t fit the narrative the media wants to talk about.

As Director Bible suggested, attacks on ICE facilities appear to be a relatively recent phenomena. They did not happen during the Obama years, when his administration was deporting more people than Donald Trump. Nor did they happen during the Obama years, when his administration built the cages for children that so many now decry.

One has to assume that the attacks were not happening during the Obama years because no one then was calling the president a “racist.” No one then was calling ICE agents “fascists.” No one then was calling detention facilities “concentration camps.” But that’s all we are hearing today.