The Patriot Post® · WaPo Shock Report: Sociopathic Criminals Try to Kill Cops!

By Mark Alexander ·

In the wake of my analysis this week1 of the sociopathic assailants in El Paso and Dayton and the Left’s predictable “gun control” theatrics (which ignore the root causes of sociopathic violence in America), another sociopath in Philadelphia shot six police officers on Thursday.

Recall that a few days before the Philadelphia attack, Demo presidential wannabe Elizabeth Warren, now trailing only Joe Biden among Democrat primary contenders, declared, “Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. … We must confront systemic racism and police violence head on.” The death of street thug Michael Brown wasn’t a murder, of course, but it was a Demo race-bait case study2. And now, long after Barack Obama’s3 Department of Justice cleared the officer involved4 in a completely unnecessary investigation, Warren rewarms the “racist cop” smear.

Warren’s recycling of that false narrative was immediately condemned5 by her home state’s Massachusetts Coalition of Police. According to the police union president, Scott Hovsepian6, “Your labeling of law enforcement as racist and violent is unacceptable and dangerous.”

Joining Warren, Demo Sen. Kamala Harris also recycled the racist “murder” claim, noting, “Michael Brown’s murder forever changed Ferguson and America. … We must fight for stronger accountability and racial equity in our justice system.” She also had the unmitigated audacity to politicize the Philadelphia shootout7 while it was taking place.

Their accusations are, indeed, unacceptable and dangerous, which brings us to the case of the career criminal sociopath in Philadelphia who wanted to kill cops. That assailant, a 36-year-old black man, started a shootout with police who’d attempted to execute a narcotics warrant. He has an 18-year criminal record — consisting of more than a dozen arrests resulting in six convictions for a wide range of charges including “illegal possession of guns, drug dealing, and aggravated assault” — and had already been in federal prison for firearms violations. Making matters worse, while Philadelphia police were attempting to resolve the deadly situation, they were pelted with rocks and bottles8 as the chaotic scene unfolded.

You’ve likely already been subjected to endless MSM churn about that siege, with little mention of the race or criminal history of the assailant, but you might have missed this “brilliant” Beltway Leftmedia9 analysis in The Washington Post. Under the headline, “Police officers keep getting shot by people with criminal records who are not allowed to own guns10,” WaPo analyst James Hohmann outlined numerous attacks on police in recent years by violent sociopaths who were not allowed to have guns. Shocking, isn’t it? Turns out that violent criminals don’t obey the law.

Predictably, the Left took a temporary break from accusing cops (and ICE agents11) of being racist fascists in order to promote their gun-control agenda. The city’s mayor, Jim Kenney, spewed this semi-literate nonsense12: “This government, on the federal and state level, don’t want to do anything about getting these guns off the street and getting them out of the hands of criminals.”

So, what’s the WaPo and collective Democrat solution to this “gun problem”? Disarm law-abiding citizens13 who legally acquire firearms to protect themselves and others. What could go wrong?
