The Patriot Post® · Thursday Short Cuts

By Political Editors ·

Insight: “Well-meaning Americans in the name of freedom have taken freedom away. For the sake of religious tolerance, they’ve forbidden religious practice.” —Ronald Reagan

Jocular: “A sad day for the Democrats, Kirsten Gillibrand has dropped out of the Presidential Primary. I’m glad they never found out that she was the one I was really afraid of!” —Donald Trump

Friendly fire: “The Democrats could in fact find a way to lose this election. And the way we would lose is if we look like all we have to offer is a return to the old status quo, because that wasn’t working either. America definitely cannot survive four more years of this presidency and be a healthy Republic, but we also can’t go back to what we had before.” —Pete Buttigieg

D'oh! “[Trump] just came back from the G-8. … If I have any expertise, it’s American foreign policy. It’s what I’ve done my whole career.” —"foreign-policy expert" Joe Biden alluding to the G-7

Hot air: “There are a lot of diseases that are frozen in some of these glaciers that scientists fear that there is a potential that a lot of diseases could escape these melted glaciers.” —Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Terrible idea: “We should do what any other country does by dealing with this situation in a serious way. So, we have to bring in the United Nations high commissioner on refugees, an agency that has the expertise and the training to handle massive flows of refugees humanely.” —Rep. Ilhan Omar

This person… “The Electoral College was not designed to make certain that people in small states weren’t subject to the tyranny of urban area. That wasn’t the conversation at the time. It was because those in power did not believe that working people had the intellectual capacity to directly elect the leader of the free world.” —Stacey Abrams

…aspires to be veep: “I would be honored to be the running mate of the Democratic nominee.” —Stacey Abrams

And last… “Bernie Sanders owns three homes. Joe Biden rents a house for $20,000/month and owns two others. Barack Obama has a mansion and a $15 million compound in Martha’s Vineyard. How did they make all their money? Lecturing average Americans on income inequality.” —Charlie Kirk