The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Short Cuts
Upright: “The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots. The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country special and unique.” —Donald Trump
Observations: “This is going to be the Christine Blasey Ford of whistleblower allegations. There’ll be no direct knowledge, no corroborating witnesses, and the Democrats will insist it is the truth with helpful assists from the New York Times and Washington Post.” —Erick Erickson
Belly laugh of the week: “I’m in favor of impeachment. I did not come to that decision easily or quickly, but this is an emergency as I see it.” —Hillary Clinton
Grand delusions: “Talk about pressuring a foreign country to interfere with and control a U.S. election. It couldn’t be clearer, and that’s not just undermining democratic institutions. That is treason. It’s treason and pure and simple and the penalty for treason under the U.S. code is death.” —Bill Weld
Friendly fire: “I’ve been consistent in saying I believe that impeachment at this juncture would be terribly divisive for the country at a time when we are already extremely divided.” —Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
Friendly fire II: “Tell Elizabeth [Warren] to tell [us] that [Medicare for All will] cost a lot of money. And she’s gonna raise people’s taxes doing it. And what are we going to do in the middle of a recession, if we end up there?"—Joe Biden
A blind squirrel finds a nut: "In the ‘70s and '80s, many of these guns were as available as they are now, but we weren’t having these mass shootings that we have today. So I think we need to really ask ourselves the question of what has socially brought us to this point in history, and what have we done, and what can we do differently to change society. That’s certainly a question that needs to be continued to [be] ask[ed], because I don’t know that taking everyone’s guns, and buying everybody’s guns back, is going to cure the national massacres that we’ve had in recent history.” —Democrat Rep. Vicente González
Hot air: “Donald Trump being the face of global climate denial actually is motivating the kind of uprising and enthusiasm we saw last Friday with these millions of young people marching.” —Al Gore
Non compos mentis: “What a disgrace that it takes a 16-year-old to tell world leaders what they won’t acknowledge: We cannot continue with this type of ruthless capitalism that is destroying our planet. This is why we need young people leading our climate justice movement.” —Sen. Bernie Sanders
Class warfare: “Billionaires should not exist.” —Bernie Sanders
The BIG Lie: “Scientists [say] secondhand smoking is worse than directly smoking cigarettes.” —Rep. Rashida Tlaib
And last… “The idea that an entire generation of Americans should have chosen poverty over prosperity to placate the vacuous complaints of privileged future teenagers is absurd.” —David Harsanyi
From the Twittersphere
Joe Biden tried to warn the American people that we shouldn’t impeach a president based on politics in 1998
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 24, 2019
Today, he’s calling on the President of the United States to be impeached based solely on politics
Democrats have changed
They hate Trump more than they love America
If you replace “Republicans” with “Democrats” and “Clinton” with “Trump”
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 25, 2019
Nancy Pelosi would sound a lot like Republicans do today
She could be a voice of reason if she weren’t blinded by hatred for @realDonaldTrump
Here is @RepJerryNadler talking about impeachment during the Bill Clinton administration.
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) September 13, 2019
He called it an “insult to the American people.”