The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

MIGRANT ARRESTS: Most illegal crossings in 12 years: Border Patrol took 851,000 into custody during fiscal 2019 (Washington Examiner)

RUNAWAY SPENDING: Federal deficit rose to $984 billion in 2019 — the highest in seven years (Washington Examiner)

Government & Politics

NOTHING TO SEE HERE: Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson could not explain the 18-day window between Ukraine call and whistleblower complaint (Fox News)

TESTIMONY BLOCKED: State Department blocks Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from testifying in Trump impeachment inquiry (NBC News)

WARREN’S VICTIMITIS: Official records contradict Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s story about being fired for pregnancy (Washington Examiner)

FROM FRAUD TO FLING: Ilhan Omar — who allegedly married her own brother to circumvent immigrant laws — files for divorce from second husband amid rumors of an affair (The Daily Wire)

Culture & Heartland

NBA’S WOKE AIR BALL: National Basketball Association grovels before communist China after the Rockets’ general manager speaks up in support of Hong Kong (Townhall)

POLLAGANDA: Survey reveals nearly six in 10 Americans think most gun deaths are murders — they’re not (The Washington Free Beacon)

National Security & Economy

NUCLEAR THEATER: Iran to sue U.S. over breach of nuclear deal; lawsuit will go to International Court of Justice (The Washington Free Beacon)

JAPAN TRADE DEALS: “President Trump on Monday oversaw the signing of two limited trade deals with Japan, slashing tariffs on $7.2 billion worth of America’s agricultural exports, but avoiding thorny issues such as auto tariffs.” (The Hill)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Pro-family tax policy: The case of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (American Enterprise Institute)

POLICY: Three cyber trends the U.S. must address to protect itself (The Heritage Foundation)

HUMOR: Brave Millennial donates heart to the Bernie Sanders campaign (NPC Daily)

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