The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

WITCH-HUNT NONCOMPLIANCE: “The White House outlined in a defiant eight-page letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top Democrats on Tuesday why it will not participate in their ‘illegitimate and unconstitutional’ impeachment inquiry,” Fox News reports. Meanwhile, The Washington Times says, “Former Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy has been tapped to serve as outside counsel to President Donald Trump as the House impeachment inquiry expands.”

WE’RE SHOCKED — SHOCKED!: Whistleblower had a “professional” tie to a 2020 Democrat candidate, Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson reveals (Washington Examiner)

Government & Politics

UKRAINE PROBE: “A newly unearthed document shows that Ukrainian officials had opened a new probe into the firm linked to Hunter Biden months before President Trump’s phone call with that country’s leader.” (Fox News)

DELVING DEEPER: “United States Attorney John Durham is expanding his investigation into the origins of the FBI’s counterintelligence probe into Russia and the Trump campaign after his team reportedly made significant discoveries.” (The Daily Wire)

SUBTERFUGE SHOT DOWN: Supreme Court refuses to throw out New York gun-rights case, rejects New York City’s attempted legal dodge (The Washington Free Beacon)

PROFILES OF THE AMERICAN SPIRIT: Trump awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to former Attorney General Edwin Meese (

National Security

PRIVACY ABUSE: “Some of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s electronic surveillance activities violated the constitutional privacy rights of Americans swept up in a controversial foreign intelligence program, a secretive surveillance court has ruled.” (The Wall Street Journal)

TURKISH TEST BEGINS: Turkey launches airstrikes on northern Syria after Trump pulls back U.S. troops (CBS News)

Economy & Culture

VIRTUE SIGNALING: “The CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods told CBS News this weekend that his decisions to stop selling certain guns and hire lobbyists to push for new gun bans have cost his company roughly $250 million. … [Ed] Stack also said the company destroyed $5 million worth of rifle inventory because Stack believed no one should be allowed to own them.” (The Washington Free Beacon)

DEBAUCHERY: The U.S. saw a record 2.4 million reported cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis in 2018, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. News & World Report)

CALIFORNIA BLACKOUT: “Nearly 800,000 Pacific Gas and Electric customers are preparing for their power to be intentionally cut for what could be the largest deliberate power shut-off in California’s history.” (FOX40)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: The big problem with the Senate’s election-hacking report (Washington Examiner)

POLICY: Turkey’s alleged ties to ISIS can’t be ignored (Washington Examiner)

HUMOR: Progressive parents sit their kid down for talk about the birds and the bees and the birds who want to become bees and the bees who identify as birds and buckle up, this might take a while (The Babylon Bee)

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