The Patriot Post® · Thursday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

WILD PRESSER: NBC News highlights the eight wildest moments from Trump’s press event yesterday — including Trump’s bizarre assertion that the Kurds “didn’t help us with Normandy.”

LEAKER ARRESTED: Defense Intelligence Agency worker arrested on charges of leaking top-secret information to reporters (CNBC)

Government & Politics

DEREGULATION MEETS TRANSPARENCY: “Regulatory reform in the Trump administration isn’t just about dollars and cents”: Trump moves to increase transparency in government regulations (The Daily Signal)

BIPARTISAN REPRIMAND: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joins Ted Cruz, Ben Sasse, and others in letter to NBA condemning league for “betrayal of American values” (National Review)

WOKE PLATITUDES: ESPN bows to China, posts illegitimate propaganda map of communist Asian nation (The Daily Wire)

JUSTICE FOR KAVANAUGH: “Republican senators are pressing the Justice Department to pursue criminal charges against women who made false rape accusations against Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing last year.” (The Washington Times)

Other Notables

TERRORISM REAWAKENED: After a lull, Islamist terrorism in Europe returns with a vengeance (The Daily Signal)

DISTRICT OF CONFORMITY: “Is this the last time we can celebrate Columbus Day? A wave of cities have decided to remove the holiday from the calendar and replace it with ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day,” reports The Daily Signal’s Jarrett Stepman. That now includes Washington, DC, which was named after … Christopher Columbus.

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Major threat to the U.S. economy — unfunded retirement deficits (The Heritage Foundation)

POLICY: School choice can bust government’s education monopoly (The Heartland Institute)

HUMOR: Haunted house for progressives just normal conservative man’s home containing Bibles, guns, and a copy of the Constitution (The Babylon Bee)

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