The Patriot Post® · 'Whistleblower' Has Ties to Biden

By Thomas Gallatin ·

Earlier this week, political observer David Harsanyi questioned the Ukraine phone call “whistleblower’s” motives, asking, “What if the whistleblower had once worked for Biden? That would be wild.” Well, it now appears things are about to get wild. On Thursday, the Washington Examiner reported that “Joe Biden worked with the whistleblower when he was vice president.” Digging into Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson’s comments that the whistleblower had a “professional tie” to a 2020 Democrat candidate and that the whistleblower had expressed “some indicia of an arguable political bias … in favor of a rival political candidate,” the Examiner concluded that the candidate in question is Biden.

“From everything we know about the whistleblower and his work in the executive branch then, there is absolutely no doubt he would have been working with Biden when he was vice president,” a former CIA officer told the Examiner. “This person, after working with Biden, may feel defensive toward him because he feels [Biden] is being falsely attacked. Maybe he is even talking to Biden’s staff. Maybe it is innocent, maybe not.”

From the very beginning this “whistleblower” complaint reeked the stench of a partisan hit job, and that stench hasn’t dissipated — it has only gotten stronger, no matter how vigorously the Leftmedia seeks to waft it away. Early on, we raised the question of who this “whistleblower” was. While concerns raised over protecting whistleblowers are valid when the issue in question is a clear violation of the law, those protections shouldn’t be used as cover for initiating a clear politically motivated hit job. That’s when the so-called “whistleblower” is anything but a real whistleblower.

The “whistleblower’s” complaint was not corroborated by the phone call in question. It relied on secondhand information that would not have triggered an “urgent concern” designation but for a mysterious form change after its original submittal, and it was submitted by a politically biased individual who communicated with Rep. Adam Schiff prior to lodging the complaint, about which Schiff subsequently lied. Now we’re learning this individual had worked with Biden. President Donald Trump is correct when he asserts, “This is no Whistleblower.” We hope the member of this Democrat-orchestrated charade is unmasked soon.