The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

TURKEY SANCTIONED: According to Reuters, “President Donald Trump imposed sanctions on Turkey on Monday and demanded the NATO ally stop a military incursion in northeast Syria.” At the same time, “The Pentagon on Monday announced the official withdrawal of U.S. forces from northeastern Syria,” The Hill reports.

ABC’S FAKE NEWS: “ABC News aired footage claiming to show a Turkish attack on a Syrian border town that was actually from a 2017 video of an American shooting range,” The Washington Free Beacon reveals. Regardless of anyone’s position on Trump’s Syria policy, engineering a crisis is way beyond the pale.

Government & Politics

QUASHING DISSENT: “Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., an ardent supporter of President Trump, got the boot on Monday when he tried to sit in on the testimony of a former top National Security Council expert on Russia who was appearing on Capitol Hill as part of the House impeachment inquiry into the president.” (Fox News)

CNN’S VENDETTA: CNN whistleblower reveals network “vendetta” against Trump, obsession with impeachment (The Federalist)

Business & Economy

WHO’D A THUNK IT? Target cuts workers’ hours after vowing to raise minimum wage to $15 by 2020 (National Review)

HELPING THE LITTLE GUY: Blue-collar employment thriving under Trump — hits 50-year high (The New American)

From the Department of Corrections

FLYING WOKE: Air Canada to stop announcing “ladies and gentlemen” in recognition of gender fluidity (Washington Examiner)

SWING AND A MISS: Tribal chiefs urge Atlanta Braves to end the “tomahawk chop” (New York Post)

Other Notables

MORE DALLAS-AREA FALLOUT: Ex-Fort Worth police officer charged with murder after shooting black woman in her home; occurred less than two weeks after Amber Guyger’s sentencing (USA Today)

UPRIGHT: William Barr warns of “militant” secularism in speech about declining religious values (Washington Examiner)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: U.S.-China trade deal: What it is, is not, and may become (Hudson Institute)

POLICY: The painful realities of carbon tax-and-dividend schemes (Washington Examiner)

HUMOR: Elizabeth Warren takes 1/1024th of the day off to celebrate Indigenous People’s Day (Genesius Times)

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