The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

WARREN SWARMED: On Tuesday night, “Elizabeth Warren took heat in the fourth Democratic debate,” writes CNBC. Check out the top moments from the unconstitutional debate.

SHORT ON VOTES? “Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Tuesday she will not stage a vote on the House floor to officially launch an impeachment inquiry into President Trump,” according to The Hill. Pelosi claims, “There’s no requirement that we have a vote.” Instead, Democrats, led by Adam Schiff, are using a nefarious legal process. As such, Rudy Giuliani won’t comply with a Democrat-issued subpoena.

National Security

VETO, PART II: Trump vetoes measure to end his emergency declaration on border wall; similar measure was vetoed in March (Reuters)

DOUR EXPECTATIONS FOR MIKE PENCE VISIT: Recep Tayyip Erdogan vows never to declare a ceasefire in northern Syria despite U.S. backlash: “We are not worried about any sanctions” (National Review)

MEANWHILE… “Officials are reviewing plans to evacuate up to 50 U.S. nuclear bombs that have long been stored at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey in the wake of Ankara’s military offensive in northern Syria.” (Fox News)

Government & Politics

CONSCIENTIOUS PROTECTIONS: Federal court strikes down Obama administration “transgender mandate” for doctors (Fox News)

POLITICAL FUTURES: Hispanics become the largest voting-eligible minority group in the country (National Review)

APPEASING THE LAWLESS: California will allow illegal aliens to serve on government boards (Hot Air)

Other Notables

SWEEPING TOLL: “The opioid crisis cost the U.S. economy $631 billion from 2015 through last year — and it may keep getting more expensive, according to a study released Tuesday by the Society of Actuaries.” (Associated Press)

DIABOLICAL: Syrian regime accused of dozens of torture methods from “crucifixion” to rape to eye-gouging (Fox News)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: Free speech must be protected inside and outside the college classroom (American Enterprise Institute)

POLICY: Carbon taxes will never be enough (Capital Research Center)

HUMOR: Oppressed Chinese citizens apologize to NBA players for disrupting their difficult week (The Babylon Bee)

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