The Patriot Post® · Thursday Top News Executive Summary

By Media Editors ·

Above the Fold

RIP: Powerful Democrat congressman Elijah Cummings has died of complications from longstanding health problems (Associated Press)

POLITICAL THEATER: Democrats storm out of Syria meeting with Trump: “We have to pray for his health” (Fox News)

Government & Politics

FRAUD, PART I: Estimated cost of Sanders-Warren healthcare plan rises to an inevitably still conservative estimate of $34 trillion (Washington Examiner)

FRAUD, PART II: Elizabeth Warren scrubs DNA test video from Twitter (The Washington Free Beacon)

FRAUD, PART III: Ilhan Omar continues to divert campaign funds to alleged boyfriend’s company (The Daily Caller)

National Security

AID RESTORED: Trump administration to reinstate aid to Central American countries that signed asylum deals (The Daily Caller)

GAME OF CHESS: Turkey’s NATO status complicates U.S. response to Erdogan’s Syria incursion (The Washington Times)

Culture & Heartland

SANITY PICK-SIX: Youth football coach faces possible $500 fine for team’s blowout win (NBC Philadelphia)

PLOT TWIST: Cop who fatally shot black woman wasn’t sent on welfare check (New York Post)

Other Notables

BREXIT DEAL DOA? “Negotiators from the U.K. and EU reached a draft Brexit deal in 11th-hour talks Thursday, although there are serious doubts that the agreement will be approved by U.K. lawmakers back in Westminster.” (CNBC)

Closing Arguments

POLICY: U.S. must prevent rise of new ISIS caliphate in Syria following our troop withdrawal (The Daily Signal)

POLICY: House Democrats’ new bill would drive up college costs even further (The Daily Signal)

HUMOR: In response to question about raising taxes, Elizabeth Warren comes out as a gay man (The Babylon Bee)

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