The Patriot Post® · Mother Seeks to Chemically Castrate Seven-Year-Old Boy

By Culture Beat ·

LifeSiteNews reports on a horrific story of child abuse: “A jury in Dallas, Texas has ruled against Jeffrey Younger, the father who is trying to protect his seven-year-old son, James, from chemical castration via a gender ‘transition.’ This means James’ mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, will be able to continue ‘transitioning’ him into ‘Luna,’ and now has full authority to start him on puberty blockers and eventually cross-sex hormones.”

Not only has Younger lost a critical court battle to save his son, but he must not call his son by his given and legal name, James, any longer. He will not be allowed to expose his son to other people who do not “affirm” his son’s gender dysphoria. Furthermore, he will be forced to attend an indoctrination class on so-called “transgenderism.” All this will happen while a father is powerless to prevent his perfectly healthy son from being given dangerous drugs with harmful side effects.

James’s mother is a pediatrician, but she’s not his biological mother. Though she birthed him and his twin Jude, they were the product of in-vitro fertilization via an egg donor.

Younger claims James “violently refuses to wear girl’s clothes” at his home and says he’s a boy. Yet, in divorce filings, Georgulas accused Younger of child abuse “for not affirming James as transgender.” Sorry, “doctor,” but the truth is just the opposite.

As Ed Morrissey writes, James “is a prepubescent biological male by medical definition and biological fact, at an age where sexual identity shouldn’t actually matter at all — until one draws undue attention to it, as is exactly what Georgulas has been doing.”

Indeed, James is seven. He does not have the self-awareness or maturity to make the kind of decision clearly being forced on him by an abusive mother — abuse now affirmed by a jury of Texas residents. This sheer insanity has happened in Canada before, and we warned it would happen here. We just wish that prophecy had not come to pass.

Update 10/24: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says, “The matter of 7 year old James Younger is being looked into by the Texas Attorney General’s Office and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.”

Update 10/25: The Texan reports, “Judge Kim Cooks in the 255th Family District Court ruled [Thursday] that seven-year-old James Younger and his twin brother would remain under a joint managing conservatorship under their parents, Jeff Younger and Anne Georgulas. Cooks also gave the two parents joint decision making over all medical, dental, and psychiatric care for the twin boys, indicating that both the father and mother need to consent to the use of puberty blockers or other aspects of a ‘medical transition.’” However, “Cooks also issued a gag order on the father.”